Cleanup Duty

Sarena danced around the battlefield with Zenithia in her hand.

『Haah… Haah… There's… no end!』[Sarena]

She was being swarmed by masses of blood energy, but she dispelled them one at a time.


One of the masses of blood turned into a condensed orb of blood before dissolving into the ground.

But what made it hard for her was the civilians attacking her.

Just as she destroyed one of the masses of blood, a person dressed in one of those strange outfits swung at Sarena with a stick, forcing her to jump away from the swarm.


Each time one of them swung at her, she had to dodge far away from them.

Ferrel was quickly mowing down the mob in his own way, however.


After he said that, a vibrant green and yellow color would shine on certain parts of one of the people or blood golems.

He then conjured a thin knife before throwing it, hitting the mark.

If it was a human, they would collapse to the ground and be incapacitated.

If it was a golem, it would do the same, if they had not instantly burst into nothing.

Anyone who was incapacitated would then be handled by Mariya.


Any time she said that, a red and yellow light would shine on the person, not leaving any clue of their status as a free person or someone still under the contract.

And this seemingly endless cycle continued.

『...But where the hell is the target if her ability is here?!』[Sarena]

There was no sign of Yudola anywhere at all, and the two girls were starting to get tired.

『...Is...Is it possible that she's fighting Nova over by where that bright light was?』[Sarena]

That was when a bright purple light suddenly shone from above them.

An excited voice echoed throughout the crowded area they were in.

『Medulla's Eye!』[Yudola]

They immediately traced the voice to the person.

『There she is!』[Sarena]

『Hey! Don't look at the purple eye, Sarena!』[Ferrel]

But it was too late.

Standing up on a building was Yudola, who called the three of them.


The purple eye appeared in her eye as well, suddenly forcing Sarena still, who was looking in her eyes.


Ferrel, who avoided making eye contact with the purple eye- was flashed by the purple light from a mirror that was suddenly thrown on the floor where he was looking.

『...You should always make sure to make eye contact! Hahaha!』[Yudola]


Even Ferrel seemed to have trouble moving from here on.

Yudola laughed sadistically at them, maintaining eye contact with Sarena.

『Perfect~. Dispose of these people, won't you all? I've got a date with Nova~.』[Yudola]

She took a few steps before Mariya interrupted her.


A bunch of lines materialized around Yudola, swiftly pulling her off the building, breaking her concentration, and the spell along with it.


She fell blankly for a bit before another flurry of lines wrapped around her, suspending her in mid-air.


She looked down, eyes jetting around before she started staring at Mariya.

『...She's… BLIND?!』[Yudola]

Mariya casually put her fingertips on her forehead before sticking out her tongue.

『Unlucky, huh?!』[Mariya]

The paralysis slowly wore off on Sarena and Ferrel, but they were starting to be surrounded by blood golems.

Mariya moved her hands about like Freyana did in the kitchen.

『Draft! Draft! Draft!』[Mariya]

She kept making red lines that would bind the citizens around them, but for some reason, she completely avoided the blood golems.

『...Mariya! HEY! The blood golems are getting closer!』[Sarena]

Mariya suddenly looked over with a look of terror.

『...Huh? What…?』[Mariya]

She looked completely confused.

『...Blood… golems?』[Mariya]

It was then that Sarena started to freak out.

「...No way!」[Sarena]

Sarena was regaining feeling in her body, but not enough to do much but push her mana further.

「I can't sense mana to the extent of some of the others, but…!」[Sarena]

She concentrated on the mana around them.

「...I knew it! T..These blood things… don't have a lick of mana inside of them!」[Sarena]

『Tch. There's not a single bit of mana inside of these creatures, are there?』[Ferrel]

Mariya's face paled.

『Draft! Draft! Draft!』[Mariya]

She carelessly threw down lines around Sarena and Ferrel, hoping to inhibit the masses of blood from reaching them.

Before long, she made a small enclosure around each of them, but to no avail.

The moment they reached the lines, they had just went and gone through it.

『...No..! They can go through the lines…!』[Sarena]

『Pfft…! You can't see my art?! How pitiful!』[Yudola]

Mariya's face paled even more, and she began to run over to Sarena.

『No! Stop moving! You're going straight into one of them!』[Ferrel]


Sarena looked over to her dad, confused.

He quietly murmured something under his breath.

There was nothing near her, except a blood golem on the other side.

She looked back to the blood golem that was approaching her, but when she did- it wasn't there anymore.


Ferrel coughed a bit, before some dark blood came out of his nose.

『Sir Coaste?! Why did your mana just drop so much?!』[Mariya]

Sarena looked over to her dad with a shocked face.

「Did he just use a spell to save me?! What about him?!」[Sarena]

At this point, he was being surrounded by the remaining blood golems.

Suddenly, Mariya screamed loudly.

『AH?! STOP!』[Mariya]

In her panic, she didn't notice a group of people sneaking up to her, until they managed to grab her and restrain her.

Between Ferrel's problem, Mariya's incapacitation, and Sarena's lack of ability to move, it was not looking good for them.

「...Please! Someone save us..!」[Sarena]

Just as she was thinking that, a voice shouted from behind her.


...And with that, the blood golems suddenly were sent flying, hitting a wall.


The people on top of Mariya suddenly fell over, losing consciousness as well.

A pair of footsteps sounded out, closing reaching closer.

Before long, Sarena met eyes with her saviors.

『...It took you guys long enough…!』[Sarena]

Hanzo and Derenne both stood by each other.

Derenne flexed her hand, which was in a shape resembling a scorpion's tail before it turned back into her normal hand.

『Sorry we're late, Sarena.』[Derenne]

Hanzo loosened up his tie a bit.

『...We're here for cleanup duty.』[Hanzo]