Only The Start

The two of them wreaked havoc on the battlefield.


Hanzo threw the blood golems around randomly simply by pointing at them and pointing at the location he wanted them sent in.


Meanwhile, Derenne incapcitated them by physically attacking them into submission.

But the main threat then and there was the blood puddles that had started to stir.

Any of the blood golems that Ferrel took care of slowly reformed into a human shaped mass after some time, and Hanzo was beginning to get overwhelmed.

Thankfully, Sarena was finally regaining feeling in her body.

「Finally…! I should have circulated my mana faster… We were almost done for there!」[Sarena]

She pushed herself off the ground, stumbling around a bit.

「But really… Those two are always crazy when they fight!」[Sarena]

She stared at Derenne, who held back just enough to put them into submission without harming them too much.

「...She's not yelling? This is a little too quiet for Derenne...」[Sarena]

She looked around before realizing something.

「...Where is Oswald? Reagan? Did they get separated?」[Sarena]

She wanted to ask, but pushed it away for now.


One by one, the blood golems had began to disappear to the ground.

『Really… Throwing blood shaped as people is god awful!』[Hanzo]

Derenne finished up with the little remaining civilians and began to help Mariya up.

『Are you alright?』[Derenne]


She began to clear out the contracts for each of the people that were still bound.


Ferrel was finally back in action as well.

He wiped the blood running down his nose and began to materialize more throwing knives.


Green and yellow spots lit up on the blood golems, and he turned them back into puddles for Sarena to take care of later.

『Damn it! Why is this happening to me?!』[Yudola]


Not too long after, everything was cleaned up.

『...And the target.』[Ferrel]

Sarena sighed after clearing everything up.

They all paid attention to Yudola, who was still suspended in midair, save for Mariya, who seemed to be still concentrating on something.

『We should seal her mana for now. Where is Reagan and Oswald? Are they helping Nova's team? I don't know if Mariya or dad can seal her mana up, bu-』[Sarena]

Suddenly, Mariya interrupted her.

『Psuedo-Domain; Res Zorihon!』[Mariya]

A blurry wave pulsed out of Mariya before a wave of red and yellow mana particles went flying out of her.


『Get ready! There's more than just Yudola!』[Mariya]

Ferrel seemed to have noticed something too, looking around.

A wave of heat pushed forth, enveloping the group of people.

『What is this heat?!』[Sarena]

『It's a Domain technique! My ability can only lessen the effects! We have to defeat the user!』[Mariya]

Yudola closed her eyes with an irritated look on her face.

『...Tch. You're late.』[Yudola]

The strings that were binding her suddenly fell apart, allowing her to cleanly land on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, she pulled her signature feather blade from in between her breasts and placed it into the ground.

They weren't paying attention to her, however.

Standing nearby was Nezha, who seemed to be in peak condition.

『...Tch. Damn that Reagan. He made me waste all of my treasures trying to unseal my mana and heal myself. I'll have to take my staff off of his dead body later.』[Nezha]


Hanzo and Derenne trembled almost imperceptibly, until Hanzo lashed out.

『You… YOU BASTARD!』[Hanzo]

He began to repeatedly shout out spells.


Fujin appeared in his right hand before he put up his left hand as if he was holding a piece of paper between his two fingers.

『Onmyou - Kaiki Nisshoku!』[Hanzo]

A piece of paper materialized between his fingers, made out of green mana before ripping itself to shreds.

Immediately after, Nezha was assaulted by several random bolts of lightning that appeared around him randomly.

He weaved around, but it landed squarely on his mana shield, sending ripples through the transparent barrier.


He jerked around, but wasn't able to move.

『Fuckin' damn it! His student, too?!』[Nezha]

He seemed to be royally pissed, not at all as jovial as he was earlier.

Yudola laughed, however.

『How stupid. What an imbecile.』[Yudola]


Hanzo lunged forth at Nezha.

By this time, more people were flowing out of the tunnel that she made, including Grynzael- the large man from the last encounter.

『Hmm..? What happened to that young man?』[Grynzael]

He looked around, seemingly looking for either Mune or Nova.

Before the crowd knew it, they were suddenly on the ground, a massive pressure blowing down on them.

Hanzo who was midair- suddenly crashed to the floor, pushed to his knees.

Nezha and Yudola also were kneeling now.

『...Hey! I could have handled him myself!』[Nezha]

Silently standing on a building was Nian, who had no words to say.