An Insurmountable Wall

Nova approached the crash site, not sure what to expect.

He formed a straight sword and got ready to engage someone in combat when someone rose out of the dust.

A young man with bright yellow hair rose up with a chain on his stomach.

Nova held his breath, realizing the identity of the person.

『God damn… That damn Reagan isn't holding back anymore…!』[Nezha]

Nezha pulled at the chain on his stomach.

『...This again?! I can't even unseal it this time…! GOD DAMN IT!』[Nezha]

His shout caught Nova off guard, causing Nova to instinctively take a step back, making a sound.

Of course, Nezha heard.

『Hm?! Who is there?!』[Nezha]

He quickly looked around, finding Nova almost instantly.

『Huh? Aren't you… Nova?』[Nezha]

Nova took another step back, without saying a word.


Nezha didn't need any words, a grotesque smile forming on his lips.

『...Perfect. I can take you and get a little payback on Reagan while I'm at it.』[Nezha]

Nova took a Stardrop out and quickly put it in his mouth in order to prepare himself as best as he could for what he felt was going to happen.

『Oho?! You have Stardrops?!』[Nezha]

Nezha's eyes shone, making Nova feel extremely uncomfortable.

『Give them to me!』[Nezha]

He lunged forth at Nova with his hand stretched forth, causing Nova to quickly roll to the side and dodge Nezha's grab..

「Reagan sealed him somehow! I feel like he wants to replenish his mana and break through the seal… I'm seriously done for if I let him do that!」[Nova]

He quickly raised his sword up in his right hand.

『Not a chance!』[Nova]

Nezha had a sinister grin that caused Nova to freeze for a moment, with orange mana converging into his hands.

『...It wasn't a question.』[Nezha]

He clapped his hands twice.

Reagan and Raina floated about in the sky, panting, while Nian didn't seem the least out of breath.

They shook like trees in the wind, unable to keep still.

There wasn't a hint of fear in their eyes, though.

『...I will allow you to leave… Reagan. Raina.』[Nian]

Nian sighed, as if looking back on memories long past.

Reagan held a broken spear, one of many created in the fight against Nian.

Although the two of them were tired, they also had a burning fire in their eyes.

Reagan looked more pissed off than he ever had before.

『...You… Why are you with them?! You're the last person who would join them!』[Reagan]

Raina shouted even louder than he did.


Nian seemed to shudder a bit, but her voice was as cold as her response was.

『...You two wouldn't understand.』[Nian]

Reagan created another spear out of thin air.

『THEN, TELL US WHY!』[Reagan]

He disappeared from sight before appearing above her, but she saw through it almost instantly, looking straight at him.

The phantasm of the woman in a black cloak appeared in between them, knocking Reagan away with a single kick, causing him to be caught by Raina.

And thus, the cycle repeated itself, with Reagan holding yet another broken spear.

This time, he tossed it away, causing Nian to sigh in exasperation.

『Stop playing with us!』[Raina]

『We… We will…!』[Reagan]

『...This is pointless. You already know that you two cannot match up to me.』[Nian]

She grabbed the bottom of her mask, causing it to dissolve into purple mana particles, revealing her golden eyes and her pale skin.

『...You never have before.』[Nian]

Reagan and Raina were both seething, yet had an expression of disbelief.

『...It really is you.』[Raina]

Nian glanced away, as if she was disinterested, before her eyes suddenly went wide.

She suddenly broke out into a full speed effort to fly toward the ground.

No less than a moment afterward, she stopped herself.

『Where are you going?!』[Reagan]

She floated a few feet away from a light blue wall that emitted white sparks of electricity, but responded without even looking at him..

『...Release the barrier. I have to stop him.』[Nian]

『You're not going an-!』[Reagan]

Just as he was about to finish his sentence, Raina put her hand up to her side, stopping his thought.

『Release it, Reagan.』[Raina]

Reagan looked at her with a shocked and betrayed look before he looked down at the ground.

『...Oh my god.』[Reagan]

Down on the ground were thousands of Nezha's flaming orange orbs that floated about, circling around in the air.

But that wasn't the part that was important to him.

The part that was important was that Nova stood in the center of all these orbs.

『I sealed Nezha's mana! How the hell?! And why is he there in the middle of it all?!』[Reagan]

『...If you do not release the barrier, Nova will perish.』[Nian]

Reagan struggled for a moment before putting his hand out and pulling his fingers in, creating ripples in the airwwwwww.

By doing this motion, the barrier melted away at a fast rate.


Nian attempted to rush forward again, but was suddenly knocked back by something.

Floating in front of her was a man wearing an intricate set of military clothing with tied up long white hair and golden eyes.

He didn't make eye contact with anyone except Nian.


Nian tensed up and stared intensely at him.


He listlessly opened his mouth and spoke, as if he was reading out of a book.

『Rise. Ars Goetia. Ars Almadel.』[Solane]

Two blades formed in both of his hands.

In his left was a bone white blade that had golden white orbs of light exiting it, shaped in the strange shape of a twisting triangle, with the middle hollowed out.

In his right was a contrasting sinister blade that had roman numerals engraved all throughout areas sectioned out on it, with dark energy seeping out of it in a fog of dark red miasma.

『Senior! Please! Not now! Just let her go! She's-』[Reagan]

A huge wave of white blasted forth from Solane's body, blowing Raina and Reagan miles away in something that seemed like an instant.

『Ngh…! WHAT?!』[Reagan]


Their bodies spun around and rotated crazily before they caught a hold of themselves and regained their balance in the air.

After they regained their balance, they quickly lost control once again, falling quickly.

『Our flight magic...?!』[Raina]

Reagan quickly grabbed her arm and forced his arm towards the quickly approaching floor.


Net after net formed from bright strands of mana, slowing their fall as they went through it.

Once they safely landed on the floor, Raina looked into the distance.

『...They are strong enough to disrupt even our spells… What the hell has senior done?』[Reagan]

She responded by silently staring at the two in the air.

『...Do you think we'll be able to get to Nova in time, Reagan?』[Raina]

Both of the battles hadn't seemed to have started yet, for some reason.

Both battles stayed quiet, as if waiting for something to happen.

Reagan flexed his hand for a moment before suddenly opening his eyes wide.

『...My mana is sealed..?!』[Reagan]

Raina suddenly turned to him with a shocked look on her face.

She closed her eyes and took a breath.

『...Me too.』[Raina]