Flame On Fire

Nova's heart was pounding out of his chest.

「He… How did he get my Stardrops?!」[Nova]

Through some unknown means, Nezha had grabbed a small handful of Stardrops from Nova and consumed them in front of Nova's eyes...

Which led to the current situation of Nova being surrounded by hundreds of giant fireballs.

「...He just stole my Stardrops…! How…?! 」[Nova]

Nova was sweating from the overwhelming waves of heat in addition to the mana that pulsed forth from the fireballs, but more importantly…

「...Mune gave me those…!」[Nova]

He clenched his fist shut.

「If my Area isn't able to be used, then I just gotta return to the basics and beat this.. this…!」[Nova]

Asmodasiah's voice cut Nova short.


Nova nodded to himself, while thinking of a way to get out of his .

「Yeah! This idiot!」[Nova]

She replied with a dry voice.

「I'm referring to you. Calm down.」[Asmodasiah]

Nova realized what she meant and took a breath.

He scratched his arm, before he accidentally felt something.

He gripped something hard on his arm, feeling it.

「...This is… I forgot about this!」[Nova]

He pulled his sleeve up and stared at the thing on his arm with a bit of excitement.

「...I have some time. The person over there is either playing with me or waiting for something… Quickly!」[Nova]

The thing under his sleeve was the bracelet that had his numbers and statistics on it.

He quickly flicked it up and began to input button presses into it at an incredibly fast pace.

Nezha's smug face suddenly looked confused.

『Oi, what are you doing..?』[Nezha]

Nova kept pressing buttons into it as fast as he could, ignoring him.

『I said… WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!』[Nezha]

He was beginning to get aggravated, kicking at the ground.

Nova glanced up and down, avoiding Nezha's eyes.

This was the last straw for Nezha.


He pointed straight at Nova, causing the surrounding fireballs to start flying at Nova from all angles.

Nova suddenly broke out into a grin, murmuring under his breath.


The fireballs practically engulfed him, before exploding into a giant blaze.

Nezha's pissed off face suddenly became concerned.

『Oh shit… Did I… kill him…?』[Nezha]

The orange blaze suddenly roared forth, enveloping a huge area.

『Huh?! This isn't right...』[Nezha]

Out of the flames emerged a flash of a singular bright blue eye.

The orange flames were quickly consumed, turning into a deep blue.

『...Crap… This isn't my day!』[Nezha]

He ran straight at Nova, but he was much slower than he was when he fought Reagan.

Using the blue flames around him as a veil, he gave a smug grin.

「It's my kind of day…!」[Nova]

He felt a huge amount of mana rush into his body, much more than he expected.

「I got this idea from the top of my head but… if he can steal my Stardrops, I can at least take their mana back!」[Nova]

Nova waved his hand out, causing a wave of azure flames to flood forth at Nezha.

「Oh… my god. That's a lot more flames that I wanted…!」[Nova]

Nezha did a flip over wave of flames, effectively escaping Nova's attack.

「He still dodged it?!」[Nova]

「You're absorbing the flames from the atmosphere as well! You have to accommodate for that! If you absorb more mana than you can handle, you'll-」[Asmodasiah]

「Yeah, yeah! I understand! I'll explode, right?! 」[Nova]


Nezha grit his teeth and raised his hand before pointing it straight at Nova.

『...Damn it! Take this!』[Nezha]

Hundreds of fireballs came crashing down on Nova.

「He doesn't know that his attacks get absorbed…? Or...」[Nova]

He stared straight at Nezha, who had visible veins on his forehead.

「...He's too angry to care…?」[Nova]

The lights in the sky came sailing down on Nova like embers of a fire.

In response, Nova gripped his sword while amping up the power of the flames.

The flames soared up into the sky, engulfing the entirety of the surrounding area near Nova.

「...This matchup is perf-!」[Nova]

No sooner than he said that, his vision began to fade, and he felt his body reeling and a deep pain throughout his body.


Before he knew it, he was on the floor, panting.

「Did I… get hit…?」[Nova]

He winced as he felt a deep pain in his chest, with some sweat beginning to pool on his forehead.

「No… This is like that time, so long ago…!」[Nova]

Nova's flames raged harder.


...But even through the inferno, Nova's scream was heard from miles away.