Hidden Strength

Nova and Rai walked back through the now bright hallway.

『...I played video games with my dad for a couple of days, but he has work again, so I came to see if anyone was here...』[Rai]

『Eh… Reagan dragged me off for something for a bit, but for now, I want to rest and maybe…-』[Nova]

Nova got cut off mid-sentence.

『WAIT! What if we made new ultimate moves?!』[Rai]

『...I just barely made one up. The root move is actually from a new technique I unlocked for my seed...』[Nova]

『Oh?! What does that new move do? I don't get new moves, probably due to the nature of my seed.』[Rai]

Nova awkwardly chuckled right in front of their rooms.

『Haha… I'm not too sure. I'm hoping that I understand what it does if I get some sleep. It wasn't as natural an awakening as before.』[Nova]

『Hmm… Sure. I'm not looking to wreck my body before the big tournament, but I'm down to spar with you- no flashy moves or guns this time.』[Rai]

『Yup. Maybe soon...』[Nova]

Nova opened up his door.

『Hey… Rai.』[Nova]

Rai was just opening his door when he paused.

『What's up, dude?』[Rai]

『Thanks for being there that day. Thanks for being here now.』[Nova]

Rai looked surprised for a moment before he broke out into a huge grin.

『Of course, man! You know I'll always be here for you!』[Rai]

Nova returned the smile before entering his room.

Rai stood outside, his smile faded a bit.

『...You don't know how much thanks I owe you, buddy.』[Rai]


Nova reached into his necklace and took out the stuff he had been using, like the clothes.

He was about to throw his uniform into a laundry basket, but realized he had a pin still on there.

「This pin...」[Nova]

He suddenly realized something really important.

「...The Weapon Mastery club pin?!」[Nova]

He quickly removed it and sat on a chair with it.

「...I mean, maybe I can check in there really quickly.」[Nova]

He put some mana into it and felt his consciousness leaking into it.

After a second, he had found himself in the same white space.

「...Guess there would be nobody here, right?」[Nova]

He walked around a bit before conjuring a sword.

「...Have I gotten stronger?」[Nova]

He jumped around a bit, playing around with his footwork.


He was satisfied with that alone, when he suddenly felt a huge spike of adrenaline hit him.

He quickly turned around and slashed out with his sword, surprisingly hitting metal.


It grinded against his blade for a good moment, pushing him back a bit.


He put his other hand on the hilt and pushed the attacker far away, allowing him to see their face.


The huge behemoth known as Andrew stood there, holding a greatsword with one hand.

『Yo! Came in for some training, finally?』[Andrew]

Nova blinked a few times before shaking his head.

『...No way. Give me a break. I can't even use mana here. No way could I beat you without my spells.』[Nova]

He was a little fidgety, trying to see if he could weasel out of another spar.

『Nonsense! Haven't you heard of the class battle tournament coming up? You can finally see how I fight! I saw that fancy footwork earlier!』[Andrew]

Nova looked around for a bit and scratched the back of his head.

『...Hah… Let's make it quick, then.』[Nova]

He sighed and jumped back a couple feet.

Andrew smiled, spinning his greatsword with one hand by the hilt effortlessly.

『...How… strong are you..?』[Nova]

『...Let's start.』[Andrew]

He gripped the greatsword and swung it with one hand at Nova.

Nova raised his sword, blocking the first hit, but was blocking another attack the moment he felt the impact lift off his sword.

『So fast!』[Nova]

He kept watching the sword swing at him, looking for an opening, but couldn't find one.

『...Can't keep up, man? I normally use two!』[Andrew]

Nova's eyebrows knitted, knowing that this guy wasn't even trying his hardest.

Suddenly, Andrew's swing seemed to slow down for him.

The greatsword slowed down as it got closer and closer to him.

『...Right… Down...』[Nova]

Nova quickly blocked the hit with the side of his blade before drawing it down to the floor and sending Andrew's blade into the air.

『Oh cru-..』[Andrew]

At the zenith of his swing, he switched his grip and put a huge cut on Andrew's chest.

Andrew put his greatsword down, embedding it into the ground.

『...Next time, I'll fight you with both of my swords. I didn't expect a first year to be able to land a cut on me, to be honest.』[Andrew]

He went to shatter his pin, but Nova stopped him

『Hey, wait! That was with one hand! How crazy are you with mana and everything else?!』[Nova]

Andrew gave him a thumbs up and a smile before shattering his pin.

『You'll see in the tournameeeeen-!』[Andrew]


Nova sighed and shattered his pin.