Blue Heaven

Nova laid down on his bed, finally relaxing a bit.

「...I wonder what that weird feeling was...」[Nova]

Reischneid began speaking, immediately causing Nova to get a little more tense.

「Hey! That weird feeling was "Flow"! You know? The thing I was trying to teach you? "Flow"?」[Reischneid]

「...What the hell? Where was the source of that? Why haven't I ever seen that before?」[Nova]

「Because you haven't been looking! Obviously, my advice helped you with it… and also, the entirety of the Torrential Rain Fist is based on reading Flow. Even True Gale's force is based on Flow.」[Reischneid]

「...So, this "Flow" thing… is super inconsistent, and you had me gamble that fight against Rai for no reason?」[Nova]

「...Git gud. Not inconsistent if you don't suck!」[Reischneid]

His voice cackled in Nova's mind until it faded.

Nova started to zone out, thinking back on the events of the day before.

「...Who was that girl?」[Nova]

The girl with the transparent gray hair appeared out of nowhere, and disappeared into nothingness.

「...If they took her, that means she is probably needed for something… so she should still be alive.」[Nova]

Nova sighed and closed his eyes.


He closed his eyes and slowly drifted into sleep under the covers of his blanket.


When he next opened his eyes, he found himself not in his room anymore.

『...It's beginning.』[Nova]

The place he woke up in was a space of pure white, with a beige color beginning to set in.

『...Here we go...』[Nova]

Nova shut his eyes as he felt a strange sensation crawl over his skin.

Once he opened his eyes again, he was in a dark cave, wearing huge robes of dark cloth.

「...This again.」[Nova]

The body Nova was in looked up and put their hand out in front of them.


A translucent orb of light appeared on top of their hand, floating alongside them.

「...Last time with Area, the information just found its way to me. It looks like I may have to work for it this time...」[Nova]

The person held a staff with a sharp, glowing blue crystal on the top of it.

『Master… I'm finally… on my way.』

They put a finger under the orb, filling it with a blue light and making Nova experience the sensation of mana exiting his body.

「It can absorb mana… I knew that.」[Nova]

The person began to walk through the cave with the light illuminating their way.

『...It's so cold.』

Nova agreed, feeling the frigid air through this person's experience.

Water dripped from the stalactites, occasionally splashing the person with drops of water.

The person continued to push through, until the end of the cave, where they were greeted by a warm, sunny plain.

「...Where is all of this? Who even is this person?」[Nova]

『...Hah. It's just like I left it...』

The person took the Stellaris floating above and compressed it into their hand.

「You can… make it smaller?! On top of being able to make it bigger?!」[Nova]

『...I must save my energy.』

It appeared in the form of a marble in their hand.

They pulled back the sleeve of their left hand to reveal a large amount of magical circles drawn on it.

They pushed the marble against their arm, whispering under their breath.

「What.. Are they doing with it?」[Nova]

『Beloved child of night, whom hast wrought forth the beginning of day? Who will bring about the beginning of night? The closing of a door opens another door, ad infinitum... Perpetuity.』

A light searing feeling burnt onto his skin, leaving a bright blue magical circle depicting a snake eating its tail.

「Hey! Ouch! That stings!」[Nova]

The orb entered into the person's body before slipping their sleeve back.

「...Tch. But… that spell… I think… I can cast it.」[Nova]

He tried his best to commit it to memory while the person kept on moving on.

「...Perpetuity… what kind of spell is it…?」[Nova]

Much to Nova's surprise, the person began to murmur under their breath.

『Perpetuity… is a spell that flips nothingness and existence and seals them into something… It can be linked to other things… and be used for storage, among other things.』

「...Did they.. Respond to me?」[Nova]

Nova was shocked by his response, but began to dissect the words he was given.

「...Storage? Linked? It… doesn't really make sense.」[Nova]

Regardless, Nova attentively kept his attention on the person travelling through the plain.

Out of nowhere, a roar came from over a hill, causing the person Nova was spectating to look over quickly and bare their staff in the direction.

「What was that?!」[Nova]

Though he wasn't the person in control, he still felt immersed in what was happening.

...And thus, Nova felt an unbelievable amount of dread when he found the thing that was facing him.

『...Hah… Just my luck to meet a Gigante.』

The person talking was staring up at a gray giant donning a visor on its eyes that was about 20 feet tall.

It snarled at him and licked its lips.

『...Get out of my way.』

They swung the staff around as if it was a spear before pointing it at the giant creature called a "Gigante".

Their other hand hovered over the crystal, as if they were protecting a flame from a wind.

This seemed to only aggravate the Gigante as it roared at them before charging forth.

『...I warned you… Perpetuity!』

A tiny marble shot forth from their palm into the crystal, causing the crystal to glow many different vibrant colors.

The cloaked figure ran at the Gigante before jumping up in the air and smashing the crystal into the Gigante's body.

Once it made contact, Nova felt a bit of mana enter the staff and interact with something inside of it, causing a massive explosion to send the Gigante sliding back.

「The thing inside of it…? Was that… Stellaris?」[Nova]


This time, the person didn't explain, instead opting to raise their hand at the Gigante and fire off a huge Stellaris, sending them flying through the hill, leaving fragments of the former hill strewn across the plain.

『...Is that enough? Time is of the essence.』

The person immediately began to continue on their way when they heard a groan coming from the direction the Gigante was sent.

『...Tch. Time is more important than my mana stockpile right now.』

They looked over to find that the Gigante was standing up, their visor glowing red, along with their skin.

The person raised their hand once again, pointing their palm towards their staff's crystal.


Enough Stellaris orbs entered the crystal to make the orbs look like a brief stream of color, but the stream was quickly cut off immediately after.

While the person was doing this, the Gigante had gotten up and begun to charge at them.

Instead of holding the staff like a spear, the person switched to running as if they were dragging the head of the staff on the floor.

Even though the Gigante was even more terrifying to Nova, the person kept on running, completely unafraid.

After they were about ten feet apart, the person jumped up into the air, spinning themselves around.

『...It's time!』

A bit of mana entered the staff and caused the crystal to erupt into light as a massive beam of blue mana came exiting from the top of it.

『Great Divide Style...』

They rotated their body in the air to force the giant blue blade of mana into the Gigante's body, making contact with it's skin.

『...Blue Heaven!』

The moment these words exited their lips, the blade cleaved straight through the Gigante and was on the other side in an instant.

A series of bright multi-colored explosions occurred with the Gigante being the center of it all, while the person stared at all of the lights in the area.