Stuck between love and desire, part 2

The second Brian reads Lexy's text, he freaks and swears under his breath.


Pete gets confused by this sudden change in attitude and gives him a questioning look.

Why was the youth freaking out so suddenly when a moment ago they had been kissing with such passion?

What could he have possibly seen on his phone?


Before Pete had a chance to ask, Brian throws him said phone and yells.

"What are we going to do?

The frustration in Brian's voice was evident, so Pete didn't hesitate to catch the phone straggling a bit in the process.

The teen then proceeds to read the content displayed on the screen.

Realizing what it said, his heart skips a beat, and his blood goes cold.

'Fuck, was all he could master to say. The second he finishes reading it.

He gives back the phone with shaky hands. The boy was still processing the situation. Knowing the cat was going to be out of the bag, there soon was a bit unnerving. After all, he had just found out he was into dudes.

He wasn't exactly ready to scream it to the world yet.

Not that he was ashamed or anything. That just wasn't who he was. However, it had only been one day.

He lifts his gaze and waits for Brian to do the same.

When he eventually does, they lock eyes for a moment, understanding the worries in each other's faces.

Neither of them was ready for this.

Realizing this, they both jump out of bed like kids on a sugar rush.

Brian remembers he is not wearing any clothes and so, he runs to the boxes on the corner to try and find something to wear.

At the same time, Pete realizes this too and looks for his clothes, who laid on the floor in different parts of the room.

The nervousness of getting caught by Lexi was so great that Brian didn't even have the time to appreciate Pete's completely naked body.

"Where is my shirt?

Shit, I can't find it anywhere.

'We Don't have time to look for it now.

Brian searches through the boxes and throws him the biggest shirt he owns.

'Here, wear this.

Pete nods and takes the shirt from the other guy's hand. He then begins to put it on while also trying to put on his pants simultaneously.

These absurd actions made him fall more than once.


While all of this was going on inside Brian's apparent.

Outside Lexy and Sebastian were making their way up to their new friends' home while they held a conversation.

You said you left Bri with Pete Yesterday, right; do you know what they ended up doing after you left?

Trying to hide the smile on her face, Lexy responded.

'Well, knowing Pete, I'm sure they never even tried to give the Park a chance, 'idiots.

Bash rolls his eyes at her comment. This sister of his was childish in nature.

'So maybe they went to some bar and probably ended up getting wasted while trying to pick up some random bimbos.

Why do you care?

'What? I don't. I just know Pete can be hard to handle sometimes. He has the craziest of ideas.

I'm just worried for the guy. That's all.

But he did care, more than he was willing to admit. He wasn't too worried about the whole bimbo thing. Bash was pretty sure that Bri was gay.


A sarcastic sound was the only response he got from her.

This title action made him nervous. Did Lexy suspect something?

He stops and looks right at her.

They lock eyes, and he gives her an intense glare.

And the whole atmosphere changed drastically.

What is that supposed to mean? Are you implying something here?

His eyes portrayed his sudden rage.

However, Lexy was not intimidated by his scary face. She knew he would never hurt her.



Seeing her laugh at him, Sebastian's face goes back to normal.

Bro, you don't have to be on the defensive. I didn't mean anything by it. Why are you so tense all of a sudden?

He sights, thinking maybe he was paranoid.

There was no way Lexy could know anything. God, he didn't even know what he was feeling himself.

'Whatever, just don't say things like that, okay.


However, Lexy was not 'okay with this, not in the least.

She was now sure her brother had feelings for the other guy, even if he himself didn't want to admit it himself.

She wanted to confront him about it, but she didn't. The girl knew everything had its process, and sooner or later, he would have to face those feelings.

She would hopefully be there to help him navigate the unknown waters whenever the time came.

Little did Lexy know the little pouch her brother so desperately needed was only minutes away.


Back inside, the boys were finally dressed, but they were going through a bit of a crisis.

Brian was pacing back and forth, trying to find a way to go about this.

His heartbeat was going through the ruff, and he was swatting like a pig.

How was he going to explain to Lexy that Pete Bash's best friend spend the night with him?

There was no way she would be okay with that. Especially after she very well knew how much he liked her brother.

Where in the hell was Selfy? When he needs him most, the guy decides to simply vanish.

Pete, on the other hand, was nervous, but for a completely different reason. Yes, he would probably get scalded mercilessly by Lexy, but he felt it was worth it.

The aftermath of his little freak out earlier had passed, and he realizes that it wouldn't be the end of the world if Lexy knew about him and Brian's "relationship.

It wasn't a big deal anyway. Lots of dudes were gay or bi nowadays.

So, what if he likes a guy? Who cares?

On the other hand, he didn't know where he and Brian stood in all this. Where they simply a one-night thing or maybe friends with benefits. God, he really needed to know.

, Pete, felt that it was a bit unfair that the first time he develops feeling for someone, it will end before it even starts.

God, why does he have to suck so much a being gay?

There is also the whole, Brian being in love with his best friend, thing.

Seeing Brian walk to the door and back for the one million times.

He walks to him, deciding to tell him what's on his mind.

However, as Pete makes the first step towards Brian, there is a knock on the front door, ultimately stopping him on his track.

He swallows, looks up at white-headed youth, and nods, indicating him to open the door.

Brian nods back in response and goes to open it with a nervous grin.

He takes tiny steps.

Pete stays behind and looks as the boy's figure disappears from the room.

Finally, Brian makes it to the door; he breaths in three times and proceeds to turns the handle with his left hand.

The moment the door opens wide, Lexy throws herself at him.

Immediately replacing his panic with happy annoyance.