Stuck between love and desire. part 1

Today, Lexi woke up feeling a bit on the downside. Yesterday, she had abandoned her new friend, her only friend, when the guy was in deep need of emotional support after the whole fiasco with her brother the night before.

The girl felt guilty for leaving, but her mom had called her with urgent and not-so-good news about her situation.

Ultimately, Lexy had had no choice but to leave.

She could only hope Pete had been a good friend to the guy and help distract him by showing him a good time.

Knowing the guy for the longest time, she was sure he had unconventionally accomplished the job. God, she hoped they didn't do anything illegal.

Pete was a great guy and a really good friend to her brother Bash. However, he was quite the troublemaker, always bringing her brother along on his crazy quest for adventure; Often getting Sebastian into messy situations.

As she thought of this, she got even more worried.

What had they both done after she left?

Within a flash of a second, Lexi hopes out of her bed, wearing nothing but her underwear.

The beauty then proceeds to wrap herself in a towel, open her bedroom door, and flies to the bathroom next door.

Minutes later, the beautiful girl was knocking on her brother's bedroom door.


Sebastian had been awake for an hour now. He lies on his back, shirtless, while on his bed with his headphones on. His wavy blond hair covers part of his almost to God-perfect face.

The Youth's beautifully tan skin compliments his hard abbs and sexy v-line wish at the moment was exposed for all to see.

If someone were to compare Pete to his best friend, they would say he was the lesser of the Hemsworth brothers.

This whole time as he lay there half-naked and not really listening to his music, this handsome guy had been tormented to the brink of exhaustion, thinking of Brian's 'date.'

He didn't understand why it had bothered him so much to find out that Bri was "dating, but it did, and for some unknown reason, he couldn't Shut up the little voice in the back of his head, telling him that he might be jealousy.

No, he couldn't possibly be jealous. Why would he be? He wasn't into guys and was very much in love with his girlfriend, Emma.

Although the girl wasn't the nicest, and what she had done to his little sister in anger after their huge fight; was something that it took Sebastian months to forgive.

Bash still loves her and hopes for their relationship to prosper and go back to what it once used to be.

Indeed, it had to be something else entirely. There was no way he could be feeling jealous of Brian.

Maybe he was just feeling the aftermath of the impact that was their second encounter.

And maybe if he hangs out with the guy again, these weird feelings will go away.

Yes, that was exactly what he was going to do.

Now the problem was how to go about it.

At that exact moment, as if to answer his question. There was a knock on his door when he opens it. There stood Lexi in all her glory with a mischievous smile on her face, wearing a quite the reviling sundress.

He didn't even have the chance to ask what she wanted when she passed by him, entering his room uninvited.

'Get dress. We're going out. And no, you are not baling. You're coming with me, and that's finale.

You can thank me later.

Bash wasn't surprised by his sister's behavior and overly pushy declaration. The girl had always been like this.

'Held your horses there speedy, and tell me first where we're going. If this is another shopping spree, then forget it.

I already have enough of those for a lifetime with thanks to Emma.

Lexi rolls her eyes as if she ever asks him for such things.

Please don't compare me to that--

You know what, she isn't even worth my insults. Let just not talk about her, okay.

Bash gave her a sorry look. He knew how much the girl in question had hurt his little sister.

He then nods his head in reply.

She furiously fought the urge to roll her eyes at him again and proceeded to explain where she was taking them.

'Okay, so yesterday, Pete, Brian, and I were going to hang out together.

Brian wasn't feeling well, and I wanted to help him out by bringing him to the amusement park. She said this part with pride.

Anyways, at the last moment, right before we were about to go in, mom called, about you know what, and I had to leave them hanging.

Bash was not expecting this in the least. His confused face said it all.

Wait, wait back up a bit, and tell me.

Since when is Pete friends with Bri? Actually, when did they even meet.

God, your such a doofus sometimes.

Of course, I was the one to introduce them.

Never mind that now. Get dress; we're going to go see your precious "Bri.

Bash cringed at the way she had phrased it.

"His Bri," why did it felt, so wight to hear this.

God, he had to get his shit together.

Thankfully he would cause his sister just gave him the excuse he needed to hand out with the guy.

Soon these weird feelings will be gone.

Lexi didn't miss his reaction, and after seeing Bash react to her words as he did. The girl knew there was something there after all.

Anyway, I'll be waiting in the living room, don't take too long or I'm leaving without you.

And with that, she was gone, leaving Bash as confused as to when she had invited herself inside.

Sebastian quickly changes his clothes, and when he finds himself looking into the mirror for longer than he usually does, the Youth frowns, shakes his head, and walks out.

He Didn't know if his sister would follow through on her threat and leave him behind.


Lexi was sitting in their living room with her legs crossed. When Bash finally enters, she gets up end leads the way to the garage.

As they both enter together, He proceeds to take the wheel, but She stops him.

'I'm driving, don't argue.

He gives her a questioning look, seeing as she wouldn't relent; he throws her the keys and lets her drive.

The girl smiles with satisfaction, knowing the only reason for her brother to relent was because she was the perfect excuse. He needs to see Brian again.

Otherwise, there was no way he would let her drive his precious Mercedes-Benz.

The drive to Brian's apartment was not a particularly long one. In fact, they arrived in a matter of minutes.

As soon as they got out of the car, Lexi sends the boy a text, shackling while she imagines his surprise.

[Hey you. Forgot about me already, didn't you, "meanie? Open up. I'm right outside, and I brought you a 'gift'.]