New Look

The elevator ventured down the shaft, every second a ping from the screen above, illuminating numbers counting down to our last floor. The number ends at -5 floor and the doors open, outside the door was the entrance to where all huntsmen stayed, Sebastian leads the group back to the room.

Other huntsmen walked down the hall conversing about any topic they can think of, Sebastian found our room and began tapping a few buttons on the terminal. Going inside a sense of relief drifted over me, "Rest for now we don't have any missions at the moment, you can do anything for now so make the most out of it" said Sebastian now removing his armor from his chest along with other armor pieces on his body. I walked to my room to start removing this armor and find anything to do, i open the door to my room and nothing changed from when i left.

I pressed the button that opened the armory, inside nothing changed as well and i put my chest armor along with other armor components on the armor stand. On the middle of the armory table was a tablet, on closer inspection it was the same tablet that i used to purchase attachments for my guns, i realized that i had 50 thousand dollars in my name, well we did get the poacher anyway.

I don't have much to do so i might as well purchase new attachments, starting with a new barrel to the smaller things like a new stock, or modifications that allow me to reload faster. Looking at the categories i saw some good choices such as a compensator and a comfortable stock for my rifle, i started off with a compensator, small but very effective at helping to handle my rifle, even during live combat. Next to the purchase was 'add to cart' what the heck might as well have it in bulk, a pressed add to cart and a small notification lit up saying 'new product added to cart' this feels like online shopping all over again.

I spent about two hours just looking at these categories finding good choices, i bought a new barrel, laser sights, better grip, more comfortable and useful stock, and a lot more, i even went through the trouble of finding some attachments for the other guns i have. I pressed the button on confirm and i heard some movement from above me, after seconds it all fell down. "Damon this package is yours" a voice shouted outside my room, running out i saw Sebastian holding a box with my name on the side, "You buy stuff in bulk now?" asked Sebastian laughing, he handed the box to me. The box was heavy and every step i took i could hear metal clanging against each other, back inside the armory i rested the box on the desk, inside the box was all if the attachments that i bought all stacked accordingly, if i learned anything from the long ass training from the soldier program, its how to disassemble about every gun we had. Setting my gun on the armory desk i set it on a stand i found in the desk, removing the parts needed. The barrel was removed and i put in the new one, it attached perfectly to the rifle.

I put on all the new attachments that bought onto the rifle laser sight, new barrel, new stock, better grip, foregrip, longer magazine, and a camo pattern in the form of pure black with gold linings on two sides. My gun looked different than what i had before now new and improved, in the box was other attachments that i bought for the other guns. There were attachments for the shotgun, pistol and i saw on the other closets.

I put back the assault rifle back into the closet and retrieved the pistol, smg, and shotgun. There were other closets that were empty, maybe for more weapons to put in, starting with the shotgun removing the barrel for a fresh new one, a longer barrel paired with a tube extension for more shells. After putting all the new attachments to the shotgun, i settled in on the closet and begin with the pistol. Removing the barrel once again and putting a new one, one that helps control recoil and is slightly longer than the stock barrel i was given, after that i placed a suppressor that i bought for the pistol.

After finishing the pistol lastly was the smg, it looked like a K15 a good weapon just like my H10 rifle, saevitia shotgun, and jocker pisol. This time it was an integrated suppressor for a barrel, a great weapon for stealth missions, a sturdier stock for better handling, a grip for better control, a longer magazine. As i put back the K15 something caught my eye, the ammunition magazine was longer than before, did they know i bought this and now this is my default? nonetheless its better than a regular one.

After all was settled i walked out of the armory with the armory door closing behind me, nothing much to do here i decided to leave my room and go out, maybe play some more games. Outside was Mary sitting on the chair across the table, "Thanks again Damon, my leg works now. The doctors had good medicine it helps" said Mary while sipping what could be coffee on a cup. "Yeah don't mention it" i replied, thirst hit me like a brick like i just realized I'm thirsty. "Hey Mary" Mary looked back at me, "Is there a water cooler or something here?" Mary pointed at the fridge which had a water cooler next to it, oh nice they do have water.

Getting a paper cup from a cup holder attached to the side i helped myself to a cup of cold water, i lifted the cup to my mouth and let the water pour down my throat, the cold water hit my dry throat like a flood and the feeling of nourishment swept over me thanks to the water. I sigh a breath of satisfaction as the water settles down in my body, on the desk is a file same as before.

In the file was a report from the mission we did earlier, inside it reads "Poacher captured with multiple casualties, compound raided and destroyed, Burnwick mercenaries and bribed officers were on the premises. Poacher escapes on jeep, two cruisers destroyed in chase. Hostile apc rescues poacher on jeep along with second accomplice, sniper from helicopter damages wheels. Helicopter shot down all crew members survived, apc lost control with damaged tires and went off a cliff. All recovered from wreckage with minor wounds, ambush from the trees two officers dead. Intel says more Burnwick mercenaries, evac hoverfalcon arrives fortunately all wounded were recovered along with the poacher, accomplices, and Parabellum huntsmen."

Not much to do here as Mary finished her coffee and went back to her room, i walked back to my room and locked the door. I'm unsure of what to do for the meantime since there's not much to do, on the desk was a button with 'Bathroom' etched on it, pressing it a square opening like a door opened at the end of my bed, in it was blue tiles, a covered shower, a toilet, and a sink. I didn't have a shower since i got here, wonder how nobody noticed the stench.

I undressed and put my clothes on a nearby rack and stepped into the shower, i turned on the water and it was warm. Never had a good shower since i got here, couple of minutes in the shower was what i needed. Coming out of the shower i felt refreshed and cleaner, something i needed after these days. At the side of the sink was a small washing machine, my clothes were dirty ao i placed all my clothes in the washing machine. It didnt need any water nor detergent as there were no slots just buttons, i pressed wash and had to wait for 5 minutes.

The clothes were finished as well as dried and smelled great also looking new, i put on my newly washed clothes each feeling soft but still strong. I stepped outside and the door closed just like the armor, i finished fitting on the shirt, pants, and other garments that i had.

I stepped out again but suddenly the lights turn red and a loud explosion and screaming from the outside got my attention, Sebastian ran frantically and opened the door. Outside about every single huntsman was running with guns drawn all running outside. "Get your guns and armor we have a breach!" Sebastian shouted as everyone ran into their room in a frenzy, i ran back to my room slamming my hand on the armory door button, i dashed to the armor trying to put it on as fast as i can.

After fitting all the armor i ran to the gun closet and grabbed my H10 and some magazines, i didnt have time to get the others guns so i only brought my H10, outside everyone was ready. Armed to the teeth Sebastian walks to the door and opens the door, huntsmen were still outside running, "Get ready boys and girls, this is gonna be hectic" said Sebastian, and with that we went out and ran with the group of huntsmen.