
Outside the door a loud alarm blared into the hallway accompanied with dark red lights, people were running to the entrance of the huntsman quarters, guns drawn prepared for a fight. We ran to the entrance with alarms still blaring and red lights fleshing in and out, reaching to the outside was a convoy of trucks and carriers with soldiers emerging out, shouts of rage slammed the outside almost making me deaf, if it were not for my helmet.

As the crowd of huntsmen dispersed gleams of light in rapid succession went past me, the other huntsmen used vehicles and other objects for cover. The gunfire never stopped it only got louder with every passing second, aiming my rifle out i began opening fire as well. I might as well be blind firing because i do t know if im hitting anyone, shouts of agony rang out from both sides as some huntsmen and the hostile soldiers got wounded or killed.

Nora was beside with her smg in hand, she stood up and fired at the enemy side unsure if anyone was hit, reinforcements emerged from a different way in the school, they must be the soldier from the program. They ran for cover as well releasing a hail of bullets into the truck and anyone in the open. The sound of sirens from the outsde attracted some of the soldiers out of cover and moving back to deal with the police, now they are fighting a war on two sides. From the sky were helicopters both hostile and friendly also exchanging fire, shots also rang out from rooftop as there were snipers picking out targets, more apcs and trucks drove into the school reinforcing the barrier they have.

"GRENADE GET OUT!" a huntsman shouted as a grenade lied next to me, without thinking i leapt as far as i could. Fortunately the shrapnel didnt hit me but hit the armor, i ran as fast as i can to cover still with constant gunfire from both sides. There were even soldiers on the windows of the school shooting down below, i aimed my rifle and fired again, this time i aimed at one of the exposed soldiers and shot them, im unsure though if the soldier died though.

Smoke dropped in the middle of the firefight with most of us ducked down under cover, the hostile soldiers didn't stop however and became more relentless. Some of them emerged from the smoke and stormed some of the barricades most of them were killed but unfortunately some huntsmen were severely injured or dead from the attack, using my thermal optics i peeked out and tried to find a target before i could locate any, a soldier jumped onto my cover and pounced me, looking at the soldier he was trying to plunge a knife at me, i tried to resist but he was stronger.

A gleam of light pierced his skull with blood splattering my face and the ground, looking at where the bullet came from it was Mary, now with her gun and also running to the rear cover. I followed her and sprinted behind cover again, we

were now pinned back to the entrance of the huntsmen. A group of Parabellum soldiers ran out of the huntsmen entrance armed with machine guns, the soldiers planted their machine guns on the rear cover, readied their weapons and fired. The bullets shot past the smoke and into the bodies of any possible hostile soldier, the huntsmen who were previously under cover now jumped out and started to advance again.

The firing line of huntsmen slowly moved forward with the rain of bullets shielding them from retaliating fire, my teammates joined in with the firing line and so i joined in as well. We unleashed a wave of bullets into the smoke unsure if any get to hit a single soldier, the blaring sirens of the police faded away into the distance, they lost the fight so its just us then.

A large beam of light darted to one of the apcs, once it hit the apc blew up and was engulfed in flames. Through the smoke we saw moving fire, thats the soldiers, they got hit and are all screaming in pain. "AIM AT THE FIRE NOW" a huntsman shouted, our guns were concentrated onto the soldiers that were already bathed in fire and screaming in agony. As we neared to the apcs bullets rained down on us and struck some of the members, we ran for cover back at the rear entrance with our advance halted by the guns in the sky.

My eyes focused onto the hoverfalcon with its guns still hitting our barricades, the hoverfalcon neared the school windows and soldiers went inside from the windows. One by one though were screams of pain and gunshots, it all went quiet until something bright dashed into the interior of the hoverfalcon destroying its entire cockpit, the falcon now without a pilot came spinning down to the ground hitting one of the apcs.

No matter how many died another truck with soldiers would pull up and soldiers would step out, the soldiers run to cover but were cut down with our machineguns still loaded with ammo and ready for more targets. So much bullets spent yet the enemy still keeps on coming, the sky was already covered with smoke from the fire choking it out. The machjne guns ceased fire as they have overheated now its our turn to retaliate agajnst the soldiers.

With the smoke cleared from the ground and into the air, huntsmen jumped out of cover and ran to cover still shooting the enemies. I jumped out of cover and ran to one of the many covers i can find, with my bullets hitting the enemy side. As if it cant get any worse a larger apc burst through the gates and other apcs, on it was a long cannon. Thin barrel but could fire heavy rounds, my thoughts ran to my head on what to do again even at this time.

As i sat behind the cover, the cannon aimed at me and fired. My body flew through the air and slammed into the ground, my consciousness drifted in and out until darkness covered my vision. My comsciousness went back and before i even opened my eyes i heard screams of pain, my eyes opened and someone was dragging me back to cover. In front of my was a cloud of red gas and slldiers crying in pain coughing and vomiting out something black from their mouths, those who didnt get hit or were about to be hit by the gas started retreating.

A group of 5 people in armor i never seen before ran into the gas and attacked the already dying soldiers head on, a tire screech followed with a blowout was all i heard beyond the gas. The man dragged me back to cover and checked if i had any wounds, the gas disspated and 3 of the people had taken soldiers that tried to escape.

The medic saw that i had no wounds somehow and i stood up to look at the aftermath, the place was destroyed with parts of the entrance in shambles. The apcs were destroyed and on fire worh some still suffering from the gas and dying on the ground, someone in decorated armor walks out of cover along with 3 other huntsmen. The 3 soldiers handed over the mercenaries to the officer and his huntsmen, "I think that's the arcane team" said Mary who unexpectedly appeared next to me.

"What makes you say that" i asked, "The armor is different in many ways than normal armor, they said arcanes had pure black armor. But only two of them have black armor, so maybe the 3 others were either normal or also high ranking huntsmen. They say that the two were responsible for the virus and creation of other things, rotting gas, torture serums, accelerated healing, and a while lot more" explained Mary. "All wounded go to the medical ward, others must help with removing the bodies and wreckage, cleaners will be here in a couple if minutes. Some of the huntsmen went back presumably to the medical ward, while others began carrying the corpses and pieces of broken steel.

I managed to find my group again, Luna and Sebastian were talking but i couldnt understand it. The decorated officer before approached the group still with hits 3 huntsmen with him, "You 10 follow me" said the officer. We followed the officer inside and down the same hall we go to for our room, we went deeper into the hall and stopped at a grey steel door different than the rest. When we went inside there were 6 doors with labels on each door with terminals saying "Handprint required", a door said 'Watcher side' and the other said 'Interrogator side' and so on. Nice it's an interrogation room, the officer motioned us to to the watcher side door with his hand already on the terminal. Inside was a desk facing a window and a couple of chairs, first a fight now the torture.