
We sat down on the chairs that were given, outside the window facing the desk was not only a table and chairs put on opposite sides but a small jar of pills of varying colors in it and a cup of water. "Stephen, Luna, Marcel, you go to the second room across us it has number 2 on both doors. Lennox, Alina, Thalia the third room. Sebastian, Mary, you guys guard the outside in case someone goes inside, tell them the room is off limits at the moment. Nora, Damon, you two are with me" Explained the officer, "Before you all leave each room has torture equipments under the watcher side desk, do what you have to just give them the green pill from the jar. It prolongs the pain if you do torture them and put it in water so it dissolves, or use the yellow pill for a non violent approach it helps you get answers" he continued.

"I know you guys because my helmet says so, the virus shows it. Now let's cut theough the chase, these people came from somewhere and maybe from someone get the info we need. You two can take turns i wont mind, use the green pill it adds extra pain but the wounds sustained cannot kill him because of the pill, just put it in some water it can dissolve, if you dont want to harm him give him the yellow one, it acts as a form of truth serum and relaxer, gives them a false sense of safety and calm clear?" Nora walks out of the room and into the interrogator room, shortly after a guard comes in with one of the soldiers taken stripped of his armor and just wears a tanktop and cargo pants. The prisoner sat down and the guard begins tying his legs into the chair and cuffed his hands into handcuffs attached to the chair, after the guard was done the guard walked out.

Nora puts a yellow pill in the water and it dissolves leaving some tiny particles, she hid the pill in one of her pockets. She puts her hand on the desk and a screen shows up, when she opened it a screen popped up on the desk, it showed the man's bio like they knew him before. On it the screen reads "Name: Steven Yasir, Age: 15, Gender: Male, Occupation: Burnwick soldier, Rank: Blaze (Possibly captain)"

The man served for burnwick as an officer he's bound to have many info in him, we just have to break it out of him. Below the bio was a second paragraph it reads "Reports say he was responsible for multiple successful attacks on Aregalian soil mostly arson attacks with many deaths, comprised of poachers, gang members, alpha dealers, and a general that went awol with his soldiers. Had connections to high ranking officers of the army, and other high ranking soldiers of other schools, some whom had been destroyed" Alpha is a white powdery drug, the smaller each grain is and the more smooth it feels to touch, the better. I heard of many arson attacks when i was younger, all bodies recovered were badly burned almost unrecognizable. The general was general John Redblade, he was convicted of killing civilians in foreign countries using gas from terrorist groups, that were meant to be destroyed. His men didnt resent him but instead supported his ideas, they were called "Warmongering killers" by the majority of army soldiers and officers. He was also charged with other war crimes and killing other military detachments when they attempted to stop him, he was killed when Burnwick got authorization to find him and kill him.

Nora finished viewing the bio and looked back at the soldier with his eyes down, "you must be thirsty at this time, drink dont want to talk with a dry tongue" The man shook his head slowly and reached for the cup, he puts the cup to his mouth and the water pours down into his mouth. "If you speak now i can help you, you can be acquited of crimes you commited, and maybe given a job here as a military soldier" the man still looking down mumbles something under his breath.

"What?" Nora asked, the man stopped mubling and stayed quiet again. "Talk now and i will gurantee your safety out of here" the man still stayed quiet, "You are in the custody of Parabellum, known for its brutal torture. If you talk we can skip the torture part" the man still stayed quiet but lifted his head up a little.

Nora slams her her on the table and stands up "YOU BREACHED THE SCHOOL, DESTROYED PROPERTY, INJURED MANY PEOPLE IN YOUR ATTACK, THE ATTACK FAILED BEST YOU TALK NOW, NO USE IN STAYING QUIET NOW HUH!?" the man began to shake "Oh yeah the pill increases fear in the person" the officer said with his arms crossed and looking at the window. Nora grabs the man by his tanktop, "IF YOU DON'T TALK NOW, EVERY PIECE FO YOUR BODY WILL BE RIPPED OUT, STARTING FROM THE EYES TO THE LEGS" Nora releases the the man's tank top and goes back to her seat. "Burnwick soldiers both independent and mercenary, they have a new leader now" Nora looked at the man now looking up at her, "Who is the new leader then?" Nora asked, "I dont know they said a man called 'Wildfire' he commands the surviving army now. Others left for mercenary work" the man explains, "Where is the headquarters of the new boss?" Nora asked, "I dont know they didnt tell us" the man looked at Nora with an emotionless stare.

"Where did you get that much equipment?" Nora asked, "Salvaged from wrecks or bought from other connections we had" the man said, "So Wildfire led the attack on our school, is he in a different country or does he reside here" the man nodded his head, "I dont know we were only told that he's the new boss now, and that we continue mercenary jobs to get more money i guess"

"Do you know any other compounds that Wildfire owns, places that his soldiers train or use, or armories of some kind for vehicles or weapons?" Nora asked, "The only place i know is one in Irala city and the grey forest" the man looked down again, Nora tried to ask other questions but he won't answer anymore. "That's enough Nora we will take it from here" said the officer with his finger on a button on the desk, Nora stands ip and walks out of the room. The door opens and Nora walks in, "We got what we needed" the officer held out a folder with papers inside, he must have typed what he said when they were talking, taped to the side of the folder is some kind of recorder.

The rest of the team went inside our room including Sebastian and Mary, all with the same file with the same recorder, "There was a manual on the desk so we just read on how to do it" said Luna. The officer took the files that the others got from their interrogations, "Great we'll take it feom here you guys can leave" said the officer, everyone walked out of the room and out the grey steels door. We made our way back to our room to rest and do other tasks, we got to our room and everyone went inside. The others went inside their rooms while some stayed in the main room, i walked back to my room and walked to the armory room.

I began removing my armor and resting it on the armor stand, i returned my m4 back to it's closet and walked back out of the room. On the desk is a different folder, opening it was a paper that reads "34 injured none dead, about 79 hostile soldiers killed, most bearing Burnwick logos while others have no logos. Local police unable to support as they were overrun by hostile enemies, three recovered. Valuable information gathered, information handed to higher ups for future use" behind the paper were 3 other pieces of papers, on them were pictures of the soldiers we interrogated.

Next to the folder was my tablet wonder how it got there, looking in it was the category for shotguns. I put down the tablet and sat down on the chair, first a battle outside my school then an interrogation. I felt hunger again as my body realizes thst im starving, i walked out to get food, i opened the fridge and there was just ramen, i pit how water on the ramen and waited. "Oh so now your making ramen now?" Mary asked i realized she was sitting at the opposite end of the desk i was on.

"Hey if you need help just ask all of us can help, except Luna though i don't know about her" Mary stood up and walked back to her room.

The ramen was ready and i began eating, the satisfaction i felt from eating it was great along with gaining more energy as if i just charged up.

After i finished my ramen and put it in the trashcan i found and went back to my room, i rested my head on the bed and closed my eyes, today ends and a new tomorrow begins then.