
I open my eyes to the same light and the same room, nothing changed the whole time i was here. I go to the bathroom and took a bath, while bathing in hot water a knock on my door interrupted me. I quickly finished and put on my clothes and went to the door, Alina was behind the door. "Wake the others tell them the officer wants to see us again" said Alina walking to the next door, i went to the door next to me and knocked. Mary came out still looking sleepy "An officer wants to see us, get ready" i said.

We woke the others up and started to prepare to meet this officer again, when everyone was done Alina went to the door. "The officer sent a document telling us we were chosen for a private mission of sorts, he said further info will be said when we meet him, i think its second tower strategy room A, yes one of the places nobody isn't supposed to go to but high ranking officials"

We made our way put out of the huntsmen quarters and on the elevator, inside there was a small map showing the floors and what were in each of them, Alina pressed the 14th button and the door closes, the elevator lifted us up to the next floor.

The door opens and we were greeted to a hallway of doors just like the huntsmen quarters, each door had varying terms like 'Planning room' to 'Relations office' we found the room we were supposed to go to, Alina knocks on the black metal door with heavy bangs. The door opens and we were introduced to a large table and a group of about 50 people surrounding the entire table but the front. They all looked at us and the officer with his hands on the desk looks up, "Ah yes its the group that i contacted" said the officer.

"Now you might be wondering why all you are here, I handpicked 5 teams to do this missions why 5? because i need 5 teams on 5 different locations at the same time. The officer stepped back and grabbed some kind of remote and pressed a button, behind was a big holographic screen of a map. "Each of you will be given team names based on where all of you are, all of your destinations are in the same country. Sovesta which is a neighboring country of ours and the possible hideout of the Burnwick remnants, we have a temporary base there so that's where you will be stationed Before starting the mission and after the mission. There are 5 areas each of you will be tasked to go to, Slever forest, the Sovestan sea where an large oil rig is located, Feresta desert northwest of the country, the city of Poresia which is minor city in the east of the country, and an abandoned mine in the bleeding jungle. Sebastian your team is set for the Sovestan sea oil rig, Matt yours is the desert, Josh yours is bound for Poresia city, Iris your going to the mines, Daniels you're going to Slever forest. The objective is to scour for any valuable information in every hideout, once you find them destroy the hideouts, these are the explosives you need" the table opened into the and a box with detonators and bombs emerged, each of us grabbed a detonator and bomb. The bomb was bulky and square, the description at the bottom of the bomb reads 'Explosive yield similar to 100kg of tnt.

"Find any core part there it can be anything, an important structure holding the base, an oil storage, anything. Make your own strategies go in loud attack or go in quiet, it doesn't matter what matters is you get the intel needed and destroy the bases after. If you find important figures like officers bring them with you, in the temporary base they will give you transportation needed like boats, cars, or helicopters. We have been given assets and permission by the Sovestan government for this mission don't mess it up"

Go back to your quarters and prepare, the transport will meet you at the rooftop 12 sharp. The groups walked out including ours, looking back the officer put his hands down on the table looking at the map. The groups went in separate elevators going down, we went in an elevator and Sebastian pressed a button then the elevator went down in a constant speed.

The doors opened with a happy glee ding and we walked back to our quarters to prepare, our door opened and each of us entered our respective rooms. I made my way to the armory while cracking my knuckles, i grabbed my rifle and other weapons stocking up on magazines and shells needed, i grabbed my armor and began to wear it and attach it to other parts of my body.

After filling up my pockets with ammo and putting in the bomb in a convenient satchel that i just found, i cocked all my guns to see if they are all in working order and got soem medical equipment from the small med cabinet, after i finished all this i walked out of the armory.

Everyone was also outside already done with preparing, one by one they leave the room, i walked out and see them waiting for the others. We walked to the elevator to wait for our transport out, all of us stepped inside an elevator and the doors close.

Once the doors opened rain poured down the roof and a mist covered everything outside the school, in the pouring rain though we saw the other groups also in their gear, armed to the teeth like they just stole an armory worth of weapons. A very large carrier went down barely hovering from the wet cold concrete, on the side a large text in big bold letters read 'Argentavis carrier mk 1' never heard of these ones before. The loading ramp of the carrier opened and a man in a thick black coat emerged, he gestured us to follow him inside. The ramp closed behind us and we were introduced to a big metal table, metal pads folded out of the wall and resembled chairs all with safety belts attached to each other, the chairs were divided into 5 rows and were spacious enough to not be too tightly squeezed in.

"Since you hopefully were already briefed find a row to sit on and wait, rest if you have to" each group of huntsmen sat on the rows of seats we were given. I sat down on a seat along with the others and put on the safety belts on the seats. I felt the carrier lift off and flew into the skies. Looking out the window the ship was already over the stormy clouds, i can see the clouds down below look like grey foamy flooring of a house.

I heard something open behind me and it was another tablet, i grabbed it and on the screen was a 3d model of the oil rig we were tasked to go to. The oil rig was enormous with 4 drills for oil in the center of the rig, a small tower supervised the entire rig along with more buildings surrounding the oil rig. One was a quarters for people to sleep in, the other was storage for oil, and one was used to refine the oil nice. At the bottom there was a hole, turns out the hole was for ships to collect the oil and ship it to other, at the right side of the screen was before and after, after pressing though i was introduced to an entirely different oil rig.

The outside of the structure had boat patrols, the shipping hole was barricaded, the oil drills weren't functioning anymore and just sat there, the oil storage is now an armory of sorts for weapons, the refinery was converted into skme sort of bullet manafacturing plant. Instead of oil they make munitions maybe to outsource, the quarters didnt change just with extra beds. The tower supervising the oil rig was protected with makeshift steel barricades and inside was the planning room, wonder how they know all this.

Scrolling down was a description it reads "Converted oil rig into outpost for Burnwick remnants patrolled daily with boats for possible threats, spy dispatched to the outpost gained very valuable information. Fortunately he was never caught and left the outpost to give the info to Aregalian and Sovestan government. Permission granted for Aregalian's best force to handle the matter as Burnwick is Aregalian and must be dealt by Aregalian soldiers. Possibly 56 soldiers on board the oil rig with 3 high figures, unknown if they are still there or not. The oil rig must be destroyed to slow and lower the risk of more Burnwick fighters in the country" I returned the tablet to where i found it and slouched on my seat, today marks my first foreign mission.