
The carrier lands on the base and with the ramp opening came out a few soldiers, we removed the safety belts we were attached to and walked out. Once we stepped out the ramp closes and the carrier leaves, dissapearing to the clouds. "We got the vehicles you need find your vehicle stationed here, each one has a sign over it signifying where you need to go. Once your missions are done get back here" said the man.

We found a boat already on the water and big enough to house 15, "Thats for the oil rig, dont get too close to the rig though. They might know someones there" we went on the boat and sat on the seats given, it was all black with a machine gun at the back, a label read 'Baracuda rubber tactical raiding boat' i realized that this boat was sort of inflatable with it's only defense being the machine gun at the back, looking at my watch it was 1:37 pm with thunderstorms hitting the waters.

"The grey sky and hard rain would make good cover for us, hopefully none of you are seasick or are scared of the water" said Thalia with the whole group laughing along with her. The boat roared to life and with Sebastian at the wheel the boat sped off, the ride was very bumpy with me thinking that im gonna fall off at some point.

In the distance i see a massive shadow cloaked with the grey mist with 2 smaller shadows pacing around it, its the oil rig and maybe 2 boats were circling it. Sebastian opened a box and inside was a pile of scuba gear, "Wear it were going underwater. Nora, Damon you two are with me, Marcel, Lennox, Mary you three attack the boats make sure you dont get caught, Stephen provide cover for the three, if anyone sees then shoot them. You have thermal sights as well so it wont be so hard. Luna, Thalia, Alina get to the munitions storage or the armory and put your explosives there. That reminds me Marcel, Lennox, Mary give them your explosives" The three give their ecplosives and ready the scuba gear they got.

After finishing to put on my scuba gear i made sure that my guns stayed on me the whole time, "Our comms will be down the whole time, the radio station is located inside the planning room aswell, destroy it and radio us once thats done, one, two, three" at the third count Sebastian dove into the qater. The rest of us followed suit and went into the wayer, the water was pitch black with nothing helping us aprt from the beam of light that emenated from Sebastian's helmet.

We got to the ladders Sebastian told us to go too, he pointed at me then the ladder, i should go first then. I climbed up the ladder but when i reached one of the last i heard footsteps headed for the ladder, i looked up and a soldier removing his mask with a cigarrete in hand i reading my pistol with a supressor attached to it and pointed at the man, i squeed trigger then bang. The man fell into the water with a loud but not noticeable splash, the wet ladder almost made me slip from the aldder but i regained my grip and got up, i helped the others up and we try to find the supervising tower or planning room whatever its called.

Sebastian checked the map again and told us to follow him, we our steps were muffled by the loud pouring rain and occassional thunder. We neared a corner and heard about 2 or 3 soldiers talking to one another Sebastian pointed at Nora to see who was there, she nodded her head after peeking and raised 3 fingers. Sebastian gave a thumbs up and made a line with his thumb on his neck. Norapeeked her head out again then her whole body and fired, three thuds were heard as the soldiers fell dead, Nora and Sebastian carried the bodies to throw to the wayer from a deck next to us including me.

We dumped the bodies into the water and continued searching for the tower, it felt like a maze with corridors formed with stacked barrels of oil or wooden crates with who knows what. Sebastian checked the map again from tablet he carried as well, wonder how it didnt break maybe its waterproof as well.

We found the planning room with guards patrolling every perimeter of the entrance and below, "Go from the sides grab the edge of the deck were going past them" Sebastian said walking to the edge of the deck and climbed down until his hands were grabbing the floor of the deck, we went along with him. sliding our hands trying our best to grip tightly to not fall.

Once we got past the guards there were holes on the back of the tower big enough to hold and convenient for climbing, must be from the water and damages from the storm, at the the top i saw a light maybe that's the planning room. We climbed our way to the light and peering inside i saw 7 people all arguing about something on a desk which is a map,the two pointed their weapons at the window aiming and i pointed my pistol at the window, "One, two, three!" Sebastian shouted and we let loose the bullets into the room, we busted the glass and entered the room. "Rip anything you can find and break anything you can that isnt useful, Nora walks to a closet and searches while Sebastian walks to a large set of computers and radios with a seat facing them. I walked to the map and it showed positions of soldier son different parts of Sovesta and Aregalia.

Sebastian wrecked the radios and computers and Nora found some documents, "Fou d anything Damon" asked Nora. Below the map was a set of folders with names marked on each with red marker varying names like 'Breaker' and 'Blackout' i gathered the map and Sebastian was carrying a duffle bag on his back now filled with some stuff he got, "Where did you get that bag" i asked Sebastian looking through drawers and the closet for anything,"I had this on the whole time, didnt you notice" replied Sebastian, he is right how did i not realize that. He dropped the duffle bag and put more stuf in it, "Put what you find in this bag"Sebastian said to us already getting files and other things he could get his hands on there was a button on the side of the table colored read with tape at the top reading 'Data servers' when i pressed it the table flew up and a tower of servers emerged, we all gasped in astonishment and began ripping out all of the data boxes we could get.

The duffle bag is packed and radio is broken time to blow this place up, "Luna tell the others to detonate the bombs" stated Sebastian. "Marcel tell your teammates to get the boats closer to the ladder on the side" Sebastian continued, "Yes sir" after Sebastian radioed the team an explosion rocked the oil rig shaking it in the process, an alarm went off and looking out the window were soldiers scrambling around trying to find the source, "Ready your weapons, were running out" said Sebastian now readying his weapon preparing for a fight, "Throw the bombs in the center next to the oil drills, the structural support isnt strong there" After Sebastian spoke he ran out and ran down the stairs, we followed him and threw our bombs on the oil rig which had explosive arnaments or other explosive material next to the drill.

We threw the bombs on the pile of explosives that were next to the drill and ran to the ladder we came from, bullets hit our direction as the enmy spotted us. While running Nora was struck 3 times and fell down, i stopped and grabbed her by the arms and began dragging her as Sebastian returned fire on the soldiers. We reached the ladder and boat is there waiting for us, i slowly let down Nora to Mary and the others who were trying to help and get her down. After letting her down Sebastian stil lfiring got hit in the shoulder with a bullet, i placed his arm on my back and helped him down the ladder.

The soldiers ran to the ladder and opened fire on the boat, however it was shortlived as all of them got shot and fell either on the boat or the waters. Luna, Thalia, and Alina went down the ladder after gunning down the soldiers who were previously atatcking us. Marcel steered the boat to where we came from and sped off, "What happened to Nora and Sebastian" Alina asked who was gasping for air presumably from running. Alina and the others began treating the two who were shot, The bumpy ride continued as the storm got strknger and stronger and looking behind me, the oil rig was now in flames with shouts and screams coming from the oil rig until. A massive explosion destroyed the res tof the oil rig, looking back at my teammates i saw Nora with her hand extended and a detonator on it, after the explosion her fell down again with her eyes closing.