Bring Out the Dead

The apartment was fully searched, all my body bags were used up, from floor to floor we went and found more bodies to place inside the truck. Fully checking every room, from messy and tidy rooms to empty and filled ones with either bodies or things, a drastic difference with each room checked, from the amount of stuff left there, games, pictures, and many more. Different room, different things left there. These people had jobs that they enjoyed, or families they stayed with, all of it, cut short, no longer being able to see their things or families again, because of this damned gas and whoever caused it. Whoever caused this shit is gonna pay heavily.

"We'll start moving to another location that command told us about that may contain more dead bodies. Unless you found one area that has bodies." He spoke.

"Yeah, we found one place filled with dead bodies." Sebastian spoke up.

"Marcel, show them the location." Marcel approached the two men, showing his tablet to them for a few seconds before walking back to us."

"It might already have trucks pulled up to get bodies but we'll see if there are still some left. The more bodies we get the less time were gonna have to spend going in and out of here. Get on." The man said.

With the building finished, a new destination awaited us and I, the subway....

I sat down, on the other end of the truck was the pile of body bags we placed inside.

The ramp closed up, the apartment was done and were heading off somewhere else. The subway, the place littered with probably hundreds or maybe even a thousand with how much is littered there. The smell there must be horrible without the protective suit.

Looking at the others, their eyes looked dejected now, no longer with smiles or joy or any sort of emotion, just dejected, dull. Getting corpses took a toll on them as well.

While the truck drove, we never spoke a single word, simple grabbing more empty body bags in front of us to be used later on.

A clear view of the entire truck interior. The body's faces were all unrecognizable, a few had gas masks with them, either donning it or just around their rooms, they had the preparations for an attack like this, but they were too late to survive it.

From seeing those young insurgents at Shoravik, to having to bring back the dead bodies of people now. They were all people of the alliance, citizens that lived happily in the alliance and worked in it, joyful.

While i drowned myself in thoughts, the truck slowed into a halt.

The ramp went down, we were near a large destroyed building, on the road, we were back. Back to this place. Hopefully another building doesn't collapse on us here. Outside, the dread returned. We'll have to go back down there, to bring every dead body back, we'll probably use up all the body abgs here, even then, it might not be enough.

The 2 brought with them what looked to be long sticks with a square light in the middle. On the bottom end of the stick were smaller legs.

"Let's head down, and if you're right on seeing about hundreds, make it quick."

We walked on the long stairway to below.

On the very ground large beams of light darted through the darkness to illuminate the area in front, far stronger and brighter than the flashlight used the last time we went here.

We all walked deeper in, until we arrived back at the main area of this subway. Where the corpses were all piled in.

The beams skimmed through the dead bodies, all on the ground either lying in piles or by themselves, clothes soaked in dried red crimson and on the flooring.

"Fucking hell." One of the men spoke, shocked in disbelief in his words. Feeling that same empty feeling in my stomach. The light showed more bodies than what we previously saw before, there were more.

The 2 started setting up the lights, facing at the piles and the train. A bullet train, attacked when it arrived.

"You're right, there's too much. I'll radio in for help." One of the men ran back.

""let's start putting them in body bags. Worry about putting them in the truck once all of them are sealed up." The other ordered.

I approached a pile of dead bodies while the others already began placing dead bodies in body bags. The mere sight of being so close to so much just made me feel more saddened at the sight.

Trying to not focus on the bodies, i laid down the body bags, moving the dead bodies from the pile, laying them inside the body bags, zipping them shut after. I continued the process, using more and more bags.

The other man returned, in his hands were a stack of body bags. He promptly placed them on the ground, grabbing one, he joined with us in sealing the bodies.

"Other trucks will come here to help in a few minutes." He spoke, his speaker voice echoed throughout the subway.

I was already out of bags and yet, the pile wasn't even finished. The filled bags were lined up against each other on any open floor we could find. The green gas shined through the lights, witnessing the amount of this acrid fumes that seeped to the underground subway from above.

I approached the pile, returning back with another set of body bags to use. Whatever flooring around us that didn't have bodies on it was already filled with used body bags. Some were even stacked on top of other bags.

Gently laying each body down. Footsteps echoed out from behind me.

Emerging from the pathway leading here, more people in suits started aiding us. Kneeling down and beginning to place bodies near to them inside body bags.

"Shit, i can see why you ordered for anyone not disembarking yet." One of them remarked while walking.