Filling Till Full

Tirelessly we continued putting more and more inside body bags, but no matter how many we put, how many we stack on one another. It barely feels like we took out a chunk of how many bodies are left in this place.

The piles still stayedn early the same, the amount of bodies barely changing,w ith most of them packed up near the train entrance. More were inside the train itself, some left in their seats while most were on the ground, all, still hardly recognizable as the gas took a hold of them.

"I'll radio in for more to help, shit, this place is littered." One of the medical personnel said, running out.

The others continued on. Hearing the constant sound of zippers going up and down, bodies being dragged or bags being moved around.

"We'll start loading them up on the trucks to clear some space, all of you continue." Another spoke.

A group of the personnel began dragging or carrying the bags outside to the halls.

By the time were done, the day would be over or the gas would probably start dissipating. My hands became more and more stained with blood as i continued sealing the bodies in bags, the blood, dried or nearly dried stained all the way to my elbows.

It already felt like hours had gone by, the artificial light continued shining away and hitting my eyes while we sealed.

The pile seemed smaller than before after spending who knows how long on it, the sight of the bodies still won't stop giving me a saddened feeling on it.

Multiple footsteps from the hallway began, entering inside were more like us, bring their own body bags and placing on the floor, with little to no delay they all began working.

"Do you guys know how many you bagged yet?" Lennox's voice spoke into my ear from the comms.

"Don't know." Alina replied in a cold tone.

I can barely even remember how many i bagged but i dont even want to know anyway, i dont want to spend a long time here, with the feeling of sadness, disbelief, and just a dead feeling. I don't want to add a tally on how many were killed.

"Who do you think caused all this?" Lennox asked.

"Don't know, and frankly, don't care, let's just continue with this and leave as fast as we could, this place is just...." Sebastian replied, pausing for a short time. "Just horrible..." He continued.

"Pick up the pace guys. The faster we do this, the quicker we can get out of here and begin heading back to the healthy area outside." Sebastian ordered. I began moving faster, my hands darting quicker to grab and seal up the body bags. Grabbing on fabric to arms and legs, all of which were already blistering, blood staining and sticking on me, it even reached on my chest area.

While we continued, a rumbling began on the top.

"Shit, is another building collapsing?" Mary asked, in confusion and anger.

The rumbling soon stop, from the hall we heard echoing noises of things falling and glass shattering to the noise of concrete slamming onto the ground. The vibrations from the top reached to the bottom.

"We have to finish this faster, quicken your paces mates." One of the personnel ordered.

Once were finished with all this, another building will probably seal us in this place, with all the dead bodies. Even with how fast were going, the piles only slowly look like they're getting smaller.

Fuck, fuck, fucking hell. So much goddamn bodies.

I can hear feel as their skin squeezes up and blood begins oozing out as i grabbed them to bring them to a bag.

Looking back, the floor was littered with more bdoy bags, stacked above one another.

Pieces of fabric were torn when i grabbed them, seeing bits of skin stuck onto them like glue. Quickening my pace only made me see more and more of the gore in this place.

The piles slowly gotten smaller as i and the others sealed up more and more, hopefully there's not more left that we didn't see. I doubt we would have enough body bags to cover all of this.

As the piles became smaller and smaller, now less of small piles of corpses to just a tight group of corpses lying near one another on the blood soaked and flesh stuck tiles.

More and more stacked, our attention slowly shifted to the train itself as less and less were now left on the floor. Finally, this place is nearly over, just the train, hopefully....

Grabbing them by the limbs, i started dragging them out, the more i dragged the more thier clothing tore up and bits of skin started gluing to the floor. Fucking shit, this is just horrendous. Fuck.

The others dragged theirs, what was once a dried blood splattered floor now looked like a bucket of blood was spilled on the entranceway of this damn train.

Trails were left that were coupled with pieces of clothing and the bits of skin, at one point i can even see to the bone through the muscle as they peeled off, these people most likely had a painful slow death if it wasn't swift.

"FUCK" One of the personnel exclaimed, throwing something on the ground, leaning on the wall and slowly grinding their back down until they were just sitting and leaning on the wall. Hands covering their visor.

Another sat next to them and began talking.

At this site, i began bagging faster and faster, no longer looking much at the bodies, either turning away or just moving too fast that i can't even see much details on what's left of them.

Soon, the once large piles and mounds of corpses now became stacks of body bags, leaving trails upon trails of dried blood and pieces of the body on the ground, staining even the walls of the train.

After bending down and just moving constantly, i felt fatigue hitting all parts of my body. Starting to breathe deeper and deeper. All of us started staring around, now done and now with a new task to perform. Bringing all these bags to the trucks. Atleast i don't have to see their mangled faces anymore.