"Son...Where are you my little boy?Come to me it's bath time"
A woman in the big yard is looking for someone.At that moment,she didn't notice that someone is skulking her from behind.
"Where were you playing little boy!"
suddenly, A kid jumped on the woman and scared her!
"ohhh hoo!! you're here!why did you scared me? hum?! are you a little ghost?"
The woman lift up him and teasing him with smile.
"Noo!!!! I'm not a ghost.If I'm ghost,I scared you like this "Boooooo"
He hands up and looks his mom with scary face.But he didn't know that he was so cute.
"ha ha! So, what're you?"
"I'm Tiger.Like the scary Tiger. Grrrrrrr"
That cute little boy named Perth Tanapon.He's just 7 years old and His favourite animal is Tiger.
Mr.Tanapon,his father, always buy a tiger toy for Perth after he come back form work.We can say that Tiger is the spirit animal for him.
"Mommy!!!!If you see Perth,send to me please!He has to take a bath!"
A young girl,named Chompoo shouted from the door.She is the big sister of Perth and love her little bro so much.
"I'm coming P'."
When he heard his sister's voice,the little cute boy is running to his sister's arms from his mom.
"Good boy! C'mom I will take you to bath"
She takes him into the home.The mother in the yard is looking her children with lovely smile.
In the evening,
A car came into the yard.When Perth heard the car engine's voice,he was running out from the house.
"Daddy!! Why are you so late? I'm waiting for you to have a dinner together."
"ohh! I'm sorry.I was late because I was looking for a toy for you"
Perth shouted happily.
"Is it a tiger? Dad"
"I'm sorry again.All of the tiger toys are sold out.So..instead of tiger I bought this"
It's a really beautiful deer!Its eyes are so sparkle and the red cheeks looks so cute.
Perth Check that little deer to fore and back.
"It's so beautiful! but i know you like only tigers.Right?So...Can you give it to me Perth"
Chompoo wants to tease him.So she pulled the deer from her father's hands.
"No!!!!! It's mine.That deer is mine.I won't give it to anyone."
Chompoo laughing at him and don't give him a toy.
"tell me why you are like this deer.For usual, you don't like other toys.What changed your mind Perth."
"Ummm....As you know,I'm Tiger.So, I need a deer to hunt otherwise I'll be alone Tiger.It's not fun anymore."
the whole family laughing at their youngest cute boy.
"ok ok! I give up.Here it's your Deer."
Perth took a deer and cuddle it tightly.
"I'll eat you later my deer.for now I'm so hungry and i need a real meal."
Then He ran into the home.
How does he know that the destiny can be changed.He's too young and in his thought This Happy family will stay with him forever.
But sadly, The plan of the destiny for him was not like that!
After 14 years ago,
the boy who plays around in the yard becomes the CEO of Tanapon group.
"Mom....Dad I'm Back ahh..where's P'Chompoo"
"She's not come back yet.Maybe she have to do overtime today"
"WHAT!! Again? Dad..don't you think is it too much for her.She always arrive home so late for that daily overtime jobs."
"Maybe her boss would be forced to do it! Don't worry so much son..She'll be ok.Go and take some rest."
Perth without saying anymore and just walk to his room and laying in the bed.
I won't let this happen again.This is too much for her.Even the people from my company doesn't have to do as much as she does.Tomorrow I will tell her to move back to us.Yeah.. It's the best idea.
He thought about that repeat and repeat and then fell asleep deeply.
*Crackling sound*
He awake because of the loudly crackling sound from downstairs.He looked up the clock and it's still 2am.Then He went to the downstairs to check what happen.But the things what he saw is really terrified for him.
Chompoo fell down between the vase crashed pieces and bleeding from her belly.Perth got a temporary shock and his brain was blocked for a second.
When the voice is came out trembling,Perth ran to her and cuddle softly.
"What's wrong with you P' Why are you like this happened?!!"
Perth started crying and try to stop the bleeding.Chompoo hands are put on his cheeks and try to say something.
"S..Stop them.."
"What?! You need to go hospital P'"
Perth trying to go get a car key but she didn't let him go and still pulling.
"Stop...him!! He.. will kill them! Please.."
"P' What are you talking about?! It's emergency!! You need to go hospital right now..Please let me go.. I'll take you to hospital.."
"Mom..and dad are in danger Perth"
"What?!! What danger?!! P'...P' no..no.. please wake up!! P'"
Perth Lift up Chompoo and go to the nearest hospital.He's really nervous in front of the operation room and walking fore to back again and again.
And then he realized his parents and try to call them.
He heard a girl voice and he knew that's not his mom voice.
"Isn't it my mom phone? Who are you?"
"Are you a relative of the owner of this phone?It's from Hospital.She and a man just arrived here because of accident."
"Accident!!!Are they okay?!"
"I'm sorry for saying this news but they both are died in accident"
Perth dropped kneel down and can't talk anymore.His heart is hurt like someone is hitting with knife for many times.
"Hello sir,Are u hanging there? Sir..hello"
"Mom and dad...They're dead.No way! may...maybe She's lying!!Please somebody say it's not true..please.. please PLEASE!!!"
Perth crying so loudly and suddenly he saw the doctors came out from the operation room.He wiped his tears and ran to them.Now Chompoo is his only hope.
"Sir...how is my sister? Is she ok? Right..Tell me she is ok!"
"Son..I'm sorry"
His tears came out again.
"Why?!! Why is everyone saying "sorry" I just want to know that she is okay.I don't want your apologies and kindness! So tell me she is ok? right?"
"Son..you need to calm down.Your sister...she's so weak and we can't save her"
"No..All of you are lying!You are doctor and why can't you save the life of patient.Stop saying sorry and Just take care of her!! Please!"
"We tried our best but it's impossible.Your sister is abortion and over bleeding."
"Wait! What..Abortion? No way!! she's virgin"
"We can tell this for sure.She's abortion and we see the sign of sex for many times.We think.."
"Think what?! Tell me please!"
"She's abused so many time.Son..She's so weak.She has a few minutes to live.I will let you to say goodbye.I'm really sorry again."
After The doctors left,He had came into the room. Chompoo is laying down on the bed and breathing very difficultly.
"P' I'm here for you.. don't worry you'll be okay"
Perth hold the Chompoo's hands and try to control not crying in front of her.Chompoo try to say something but her words are not clear.
"They're fine P' don't worry"
Perth also wanted to believe that they're okay.He wants to see his parents again smiling to him and hug him when he get back home.
"D..on't lie t..to me I know they're not fine....tell m..e..the t..truth"
"No! they are really fine and you'll fine too.Tomorrow I won't go to work.I'm here to take care all of you and we will be stay together forever."
The tears are coming out even he control it.After seeing Perth's tears,Chompoo had understood about the situation and got regret so much.These were happened because of him,the wicked man.
"Perth I..know the truth.. please...stay strong for us... you have to revenge it.Find h...him..and revenge."
"I'll. I won't let him go.Just tell me tht who is he?"
"His name is S..Suppapong"
That was the last word of her.Perth started cuddling her and crying out loud!
"Please... please..please!!!! stay with me...stay with me please don't leave me alone P' please stay with me"
*Screaming* Why?!!!!!!
After 1 weeks ago,
A boy with black suit is crying in front of the three brave stone.
"Three of you are so bad....*sob* why are you leaving me alone! How can I live alone without you?!! Really terrible destiny"
At the time,Two hands are put on the Perth's shoulder.
Lily and Plan,My Life's best friend and also my second family.
"You still have us Perth.We are your family"
Plan said that and hug him.
"That's true.Don't be so sad.Both of us are beside you as a family."
"Plan...Have you known that what happened to my parents' accident"
Plan sigh of relief and look at Perth with so sadly.
"They've got hit by a big truck or something heavy because the big damaged besides the car was prominent.But I didn't get the tiny pieces of evident."
"That's not the destiny.This is because of the madman Suppapong"
The sadness in the eyes of Perth are quickly turn into anger.A smirk devil smile appear on his face and the looks are so sharp like the Tiger eyes.
"Just wait for my revenge Suppapong! I will make to hurt the one that you loves so much.Not only you lost it but also you have to watch that it'll be hurt so much because of me.It was your false that you awake the Tiger.You should know what happened next."