After 2 years ago...
A boy wakes up with the morning sunshine.His desire to sleep was like that of an innocent baby.He washed his face and went downstairs to have breakfast.
He saw P'Jan,his sister in law, is preparing for breakfast.
"P'Jan...Where is P'Trump?Is he still sleeping"
"No Saint..your brother is bathing.Why don't you come and have breakfast first. Come here"
"Ahh.. ok"
He was being a bad guy while working at my Dad's Company.he was my Dad's cofidant.I heard he used my Dad name "Suppapong" and did some terrible things.When my dad knew about that,He adopted him and fixed him to become a good boy.
Now P'Trump get married with P'Jan and have a son named Chun.He becomes not only good father and good husband but also he's a good brother for me.After my dad got a cancer,we moved to the UK and never come back.He takes care of me since my dad's death.
Look!As I was thinking about him, he was holding up my nephew and coming.
"Uncle Saint!!"
The little boy ran to Saint and sat on his lap.
"P'Trump..I've something to tell"
"tell me. What do you want again?"
"Will u really give me what I want?"
"Umm..Was there a thing that I don't give you when you've asked for?"
Saint smiling and shake his head.
"Then..just tell me what do you want?"
"I want to go back Thailand"
Trump was a little confused.
"Why do you want to go back? We all are happy to stay here.Aren't we?"
"Yes we're.But P'Trump..I want to live at my own nation. Not others'. Pleaseee..I've already finished studying here.And I want to use that in my country."
"Well...then go.I'll plan for you to stay there"
"Wait! Just for me? How about you and your family?"
"I'm really you know that your nephew's school is here.So we can't come with you Saint"
"Ah..It's ok.I'll go alone"
Saint looks so happy for get the permit that he wants so much.But for Trump, He a little worry about that.If possibly,He don't want to let Saint to go Thailand back.He had a lot of bad memories at there.Like..He abused a girl and killed her parents.He don't want to remember that time again.
It's like a Nightmares for him.She said
"You have to pay back for destroying me."
At that time,I don't care about it.But now I've family and I really worry that my mistakes hits on my family.
"P'Trump!! What're you thinking? Did u hear what I tell?.
"Ahh sorry I'm just over thoughts."
"I'll go tomorrow.So..Please help me"
"Just finish your breakfast. I'll care for it don't worry"
Perth has only two friends ,Lily and Plan since his family died.He totally changed into getting angry easily person on everything.
You guys probably thoughts that I'm staying easy with this situation in these 2 years.Actually No.The hates in my mind grows up more and more.I feel it's like a yesterday that I lost my family.
I chase him imediately after the funeral is finished.But he moved to the UK.
Hak..Maybe he knew his fault.Tht's why he ran away from me.But how far he think that he can ran away from me.
Perth is looking in the Frame of his family.His eyes with fulls of tears and His heart feel the pain so badly.
"I miss you so and.."
Plan came into the room with shouting his name loudly.Perth wiped his tears and looked Plan surprisingly.
"What's wrong?"
"He..He's back"
Perth eyes changed into Anger from sadness
"Are u sure?"
"Yes but not him I heard It's his son."
"It's better than normal.Now I can play his beloved one.Where is he right now"
"As the reporter tells that He's trying to open a restaurant.Today he prepared to open it."
"So What're we waiting for? Take me there."
"What? Right now?!!"
"Sir, We've finished.But there's some dishes box. Can you move it yourself."
The lead worker told a boy with white shirt.He smiles at him and nod his head softly.He's totally looks like an Angel.
"It's ok. Thanks for help"
Saint lifted the box with dishes and turn back to the restaurant.But accidentally,He hits someone in front him and fell down with dishes.
"Ahh I'm sorry.. I didn't see you"
The stranger who wears black mask gave his hand to Saint to help get up.
At the moment,Saint realized about the eyes.They're looks so sharp and attractive.
"Are you okay?"
The stranger asked.
"Oh... ye..yes I just have a little bruised"
"That's good. Take care of it. I know it's rude but I need to rush"
Saint smiles at him.
"It's ok. You don't need to worry about it"
"Thanks. Bye and see you later"
A boy left and he take off his mask.Then he wears a devil smile on his face.
"Now...that bruised will be on your body for 3 or 4 days"
"You should prepare for my Revenge Saint...cuz this is just the beginning"
The one who have been left is likes an innocent boy who doesn't know anything what kind of cruel things will happen to him.
"I'm sorry Saint.It's your fault that being a son of Mr.Suppapong."
Now a tiger is starting to plan for playing a cute deer.