Second Encounter

After breakfast, Katie's parents prepared to work in the factory while Katie returned to the room to spray her hair with a dark brown color.

Katie's hair was unique and rare. Both Umbra and her parents told her to hide the color of her hair from outsiders. She did not understand why she had to disguise her hair color, but she still obeyed and sprayed her hair every morning before leaving the house.

What Katie didn't know was that the spray had run out, and she walked out of the house into the forest with her real hair color.

As usual, Katie walked the streets while singing happily. Somehow Katie likes to sing. Every time her heartfelt happy, there always be a melody in her mind.

Upon arriving at a large field near the river, Katie saw a huge boulder that was suitable to be the stage. With enthusiasm, Katie promptly climbed the rock and stood on it.

She felt the wind gently hit her, and as if nature welcomed her, Katie heard the chirping of birds. That's when Katie began to sing with all her heart. This time not only the melody but also with words that fit her heart's content.

Some words revealed how happy Katie was today. Although her house was not as luxurious as others and placed on the edge of a forest, she still felt fortunate and blessed to live in this kind of environment. Plus, she was pleased because she had parents who loved her and someone who protected her from the shadows.

Katie was completely unaware, the wind around her danced with her. The birds around her flew happily, and also, a pair of dark brown eyes watched her from a distance.

Not long after, Katie heard a crack of a branch next to her. Katie stopped her singing and turned to the intruder who had ruined the pleasant atmosphere.

At first, she thought it was Umbra or one of her friends who bothered her to sing. If so, she would give a nonstop scolding so that the listener would not be able to stand hearing her nagging again.

It turned out the one who was disturbing her singing was an unknown child. Katie had never even seen this child's face before.

Louisiana city was not a big town. Moreover, she had already known almost all the children who lived in the town. She could only guess this child was a newcomer because Katie didn't recognize this child.

Is he perhaps a visitor? What is the boy doing here if he isn't the resident? Is he lost his way?

Like a good girl she was, Katie needed to help the lost boy.

"Hello. Are you lost?"

"You don't remember?"

Katie winked, not understanding the boy's words. What should she remember?

In the end, she did not care and was about to get off her stepping stone to help the lost child. She could have jumped down as the Umbra taught him. But she realized she was wearing a pretty red dress. Will her clothes be damaged if she goes down? She kind of felt terrible if she broke the dress.

Now she was sorry. Why should she be tempted to climb this high rock without thinking?

Meanwhile, Kinsey misunderstood the meaning of Katie's worried gaze. He thought the little girl could not go down and was afraid to jump. The distance between the peak of the stone and the soil was quite far—almost twice as his height.

Come to think of it... How did the girl climb the boulder? Kinsey was surprised by this mysterious reality.

Kinsey walked over to Katie. He decided to help the child to get down from there.

"Here. I'll hold you when you jump." Kinsey extended a hand to Katie.

Katie sighed, then bent slowly and sat on the rock with her legs hanging down. Katie took Kinsey's hand and held it tightly.

Before actually pushing her butt off the rock she was sitting on, Katie counted to herself.

One... two... three...

Katie jumped by pushing her buttocks down.

Katie was trained in the balance of her legs and could land on the ground perfectly. Alas, not with Kinsey.

Katie's hand gripped Kinsey's hand and was utterly unprepared for Katie's perfect landing. Unintentionally, Katie's skirt that had expanded as it fell on Kinsey's head made his feet step back. His feet tripped, and his body was pushed back and fell backward.

Just as Katie was satisfied with her perfect landing, her body was pulled to the side quickly.

Kinsey's hand, which was still holding onto Katie, made the two fall together without warning. Kinsey groaned because his head and butt hit the ground while Katie's body pressed against him.

What a bad day!