Meet An Angel

"Aww... You're so heavy. What are you eating?" Kinsey sighed involuntarily, releasing his grasp and was about to push Katie's body.

But he did not do it at the end as he remembered the child who was above him was a girl.

While Katie, who had just recovered from her shock, stood up as soon as she heard Kinsey's complaint.

Katie was eager to argue the boy's words. She was sure her failed-landing was not her fault.

Katie had landed perfectly without falling! The boy was the one who pulled her along with him!

But she had promised her parents to be friendly and not show her arrogance. Because of that, Katie was silent and put on a frown.

Kinsey immediately regretted his words when he saw the look of hurt in Katie's beautiful eyes. He quickly rose to his feet while cleaning the dried leaves that were attached to his shirt.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to say it. I was wrong. I'm sorry." Kinsey said in a hurry.

A second later, Kinsey felt stunned to see a broad smile on the face of a beautiful child.

"No problem. I will be a forgiving person because it's my birthday today. Te-hee."

Oh? Birthday? Is that why the little girl wearing clothes like a princess in a fairyland? Kinsey thought.

Kinsey returned the smile and spoke in a friendly gesture. "Then... happy birthday."

"Thank you."

Katie invited Kinsey to head toward the highway. Katie still suspected that Kinsey was lost and offered her help. Kinsey doesn't get lost, but he isn't bothered to explain and accept her offer. For some reason, Kinsey wanted to be this cute little girl's friend.

"You didn't celebrate it with your family?"

"We will celebrate this evening. They are working right now."

"So now you are alone?"

"You can say that."

"What if you come with me?"

Katie stopped hearing the offer.

"To where?"

"Meet someone. After that, we will eat cake and ice cream in..."

"Ice cream?" it was clear as the day that Katie's eyes sparkled at 'ice cream.' "Yes! I want to come with you."

Kinsey's mouth was wide open in disbelieve. Katie accepted his invitation just because of mere ice cream? The criminal could easily kidnap this child if the bad guy offered to buy her an ice cream.

Kinsey shook his head couldn't fathom how stupid this girl was.

Little did he know, there were a pair of eyes watching them both and certainly not going to let Katie's life in endanger.

Umbra frowned at the perfect crimson color adorning Katie's hair. Did Katie forget to spray her hair?

Luckily, no one recognized the meaning of the red hair Katie had. Because of that, Katie would be fine despite wandering with her real hair.

Umbra still followed Katie silently, just in case. If there was anyone suspicious, he could handle it that very minute.

Katie and Kinsey entered a shop that sold the best ice cream in the city. Katie was already unable to control her saliva watching the line of mouth-watering colorful ice cream.

If only ice cream could speak, they would scream in horror, looking at Katie's face that drooling over the ice cream. Big round sparkle red eyes while her mouth was wide-opened, ready to eat them all.

Katie liked ice cream very much to the point she could finish the whole town's ice cream! Unfortunately, she rarely ate those ice cream because the price was quite pricey.

Katie's gaze couldn't be separated from the display window that displayed a tantalizing array of tempting ice flavors. Even Kinsey had to pull her hand away from the display window forcibly.

Kinsey could not understand how this girl could have so much energy. He had to exert all his strength to make Katie's body move from her place.

While Katie herself was looking at the window that was getting further away from her view in dissatisfy heart. She did not want to leave those delicious ice cream, but she did not rebel when Kinsey pulled her forcefully and went up to the second floor through several steps.

That's when they saw a beautiful woman sitting there. Her smile was like a blinding sun. The color of her hair was reddish-brown while her eyes were dark brown with dazzling eyes.

Her fair skin was pure white like a royal princess, and her lips were red like a delicious strawberry.

Katie had never seen a woman this beautiful before, not realizing she would become a peerless beauty when she grows up.

The woman was so beautiful that calling her an angel was not exaggerated.

"Hello, we meet again, Kinsey." greeted the woman with a broad smile.

Kinsey gave her two pink carnation bouquets politely.

"Why did you give me two?"

"As an exchange for the previous meeting. Sorry, I couldn't come at that time."

The woman smiled while enjoying the fragrant aroma of flowers she received.

Then her eyes caught the cute girl next to Kinsey.

"You brought a friend. She's lovely." said the woman, making Katie smile broadly.

"Today is her birthday. Can she join us?"

"Of course. I'll order a tart, and you can eat as much ice cream as you want."


Did Kinsey say it? Nope. The energic little girl next to him said it.