Poor Memory

Katie played the red riding hood with her friends when Kinsey arrived at the children's playground. The red riding hood was a game based on the story of the red riding hood and the wolf.

The rule was one player would become a 'wolf' and hide somewhere. There was a wolf costume in the form of a shirt, pants, tail belt, and hat with wolf ears.

Initially, this 'wolf' did not wear any costume while hiding. Meanwhile, his friends would sing and ask the whereabouts of 'wolf.' The 'wolf' must answer and put on one outfit. And so on until the costume was used in full and then out to pursue the 'game.'

Katie ran to avoid the 'wolf' catch while laughing when she saw Kinsey watching their game.

"Ah, the redhead who is afraid of germs!" Katie exclaimed, pointing at Kinsey.

Kinsey was speechless, hearing the nickname given by Katie. Does the girl not remember his name? Why should she call him a 'redhead who is afraid of germs'?! Even though his hair color isn't red! His hair color was brown. Well, he admitted his hair was a little reddish when the sunray touched his hair. But certainly not as red as the child.

Only this time, Kinsey didn't see the same red as he remembered. Katie's hair was more impressed with dark brown - a prevalent color in Louisiana.

"You are here!"

Suddenly Katie was standing before Kinsey, making the boy was shocked to death. How come the girl gets near him unnoticed?

"What are you doing?"

"We're playing. Do you want to join us? Hey, the Redhead wants to play." without waiting for an answer from Kinsey, Katie had announced to her friends that Kinsey would join.

"Hey! My name isn't Redhead. My name is Kinsey. Kin.Sey."

"Kinsey? My name is..."

"Katleen Morse." cut Kinsey. "I already know."

"How do you know?" Katie looked surprised at how Kinsey could find out her full name.

Kinsey stared in disbelief at the memory of the girl in front of him. He has never met anyone who has a very weak memory like her. Had this child forgotten that she had identified herself as Katleen Morse when they met Chloeny?

Kinsey let out a resigned sigh. Maybe the problem wasn't with Katie's weak memory, but his overly sharp memory.

Kinsey often heard praises from his father and school teacher. They praised him for his sharp memory. Moreover, that incident had happened six months ago. It was still fresh in his mind as if the event only happened yesterday.

No wonder the cute girl in front of him forgets it. Errata. Not cute. This time Katie looked like a normal boy in ripped denim pants and a white T-shirt with a picture of a car in front of her shirt.

Yup! Not cute at all. Totally different when the girl wore a pretty red dress like a princess.

"Captain Kei! Let's play again."

Fortunately, Katie's friends interrupted them. Instantly Katie's mind was distracted and invited Kinsey to join her. Kinsey sighed in relief at not having to answer Katie's questions before.

They decided to play hide and seek because no one else wanted to wear a wolf costume. The sun was shining brightly to the point it was scorching, and it feels sweltering if you have to wear costumes while chasing the 'target.'

This time the 'it' was Edwin, a fat boy with narrow eyes.

Kinsey knew this game because he also often played it at his school. He didn't really know this area and didn't know a good hiding place. He was at a disadvantage for this game, so he decided to follow Katie.

"Eh? Why are you coming with me?"

"I don't know this place."

Katie popped her mouth because she didn't want her hiding to be discovered by Kinsey's presence.

"All right. Then, let's just hide there." after pondering for a moment, Katie finally allowed Kinsey to hide with her.

The two of them hid in a cave that was used as their escape last year. Until now, Kinsey had never forgotten their first meeting last year. But not with Katie.

Katie did remember that she had met Kinsey and made fun of him. But she didn't remember that Kinsey had bit her hand.

"I can't believe you don't remember me biting you."

"I really don't remember. What's in it for me to remember?"

Kinsey's mouth widened again, speechless. Thinking back, Katie also didn't remember it at their second meeting.

Kinsey smiled as he realized something. At least today, he knew, Katie still remembered him. Although he hoped that Katie would remember his name instead of the nickname 'red hair that is afraid of germs.'

"But why did you bite me?"

"Isn't that your fault? You pulled me tight. My hand even made a red mark because of your grip."

"Did something like that happen?"

Kinsey sighed. Really. How can this kid just forget it? What a poor memory this girl had!