Did She Challenge Him?

"Besides, how could your hand be red just because of my grip. Don't tell me you're actually weak, huh?"

"No way." for some reason this time, Kinsey did not want to budge. "I'm not a weak child."

Katie lunged at him by pushing his body to the ground the next instant. Katie pressed Kinsey's shoulders, locking it up to Kinsey.

Kinsey was baffled. Did this girl just challenge him? Alright then.

Like Katie, who was trained by the Umbra, Kinsey also received similar training from his godfather, a former Alpha II.

Because of that, he could easily get rid of the hand that pressed against his body and pushed Katie from his body.

Unfortunately, Katie's reflexes were faster, and her strength was enormous than his. This time Kinsey's chest faced the ground while his hand was locked behind his body by Katie's hands.

Katie sat perfectly on Kinsey's back, smiling proudly.

"I guess you're right. It looks like my grip is indeed too strong for a weak kid like you." smirk Katie in a proud tone.

Kinsey groaned in embarrassment. How could he lose to a girl?

Kinsey mobilizes all his strength to stand up. Maybe because it was too strong, and Katie wasn't ready for his sudden movements, Katie was pushed back and fell violently.

"Aaaa..." Katie winced in pain as she felt pain in her right elbow. It seemed like her elbows shifted the ground when she fell just now.

Kinsey immediately regretted his actions and approached Katie, who was blowing her wound.

"Are you okay?"

Kinsey's heart beat fast as a pair of amber eyes glared at him with tears.

Oh no! He made a girl cry. His father would have scolded him if he found out. What should he do?

Since Katie could walk, Umbra had taught her many things. From climbing trees, jumping over rocks, Umbra also taught her things like maintaining balance.

Because of that, Katie rarely fell or get injured. Even if she fell from a tree, Umbra would have saved her before she was hurt.

Of course, she had fallen and hurt. But that very rarely happens. Katie was the child who could not endure the pain. Therefore Umbra and her parents take great care of Katie from getting hurt.

It's because everytime the girl cries, the weather would go bad as the dark clouds would appear and it would start raining hard. Therefore, Umbra and Morses made sure that Katie would never ever cry.

Now the wounds caused by the friction between her skin and the gravely ground felt so painful that she wanted to cry. But Katie could still hold back her tears. She couldn't cry because of her upbringing. Especially at this time, she was Captain Kei. A Captain mustn't show her tears to a stranger.

"Are you okay?"

Strangely, once she saw Kinsey's face, she could no longer hold back her tears.

"It's your fault. You have to take responsibility. It hurts. Huwaaaaaa.." and now the crying broke.

In truth, this was not only Kinsey's fault. The one who started it first was Katie, but Kinsey didn't grumble and tried to comfort Katie, who was still crying.

Without them knowing the little animals outside the cave felt uneasy to hear the cries of Katie. Everything moved here and there without reason. The dark clouds showed up at rapid speed, responding to Katie's weeping.

"Alright, I was wrong. I'm sorry. We better treat your wound first. Please don't cry. I'll take you home." Kinsey wiped Katie's face with his sleeve. He didn't mind at all even though his clothes would get dirty from Katie's snot.

At that moment, his priority was to soothe Katie's crying.

Katie nodded her head while sobbing as she was trying her best to stop her crying. Because she no longer cried, the animals returned to normal and the dark clouds faded away.

Both of them sauntered towards Katie's house. They did not care when Edwin shouted their names, which automatically both of them lost the game.

Once at the wooden house where Katie lived, a woman welcomed them warmly.

"Katie, what's wrong with your elbow?"

Katie did not answer and only glanced at Kinsey.

"Sorry. Everything was my fault. I accidentally pushed her, and she fell."

Once again, Kinsey took all the blame to himself and not criticized Katie, who challenged him first.

"Oh, I see."

After having two children sit on the floor on the straw, Katie's mother took medicine and cotton to treat her daughter's minor injuries.

Katie immediately sat on the straw comfortably, while Kinsey hesitated while glancing at the hay piled up.

He tried to find a chair, but there was no chair he could sit on. This house did not have any table!

Kinsey ogled his eyes around the entire room. This house was tiny and old, as if it would collapse at any time. Maybe this house won't survive if there was an earthquake.

Kinsey was accustomed to his luxurious and grand mansion. Whatever he used or wore was from quality goods and extravagant as the Alvianc family was among the top five most affluent in the world.

Kinsey would feel uncomfortable or disgusted upon entering the slums. He would have the desire to return to his comfortable home right here and now.