Fell To The River

Although this house was not very clean in his judgment, Kinsey could still see the homeowners quite diligent in maintaining cleanliness. Because of this, Kinsey was surprised that he did not feel disgusted. He actually felt quite comfortable entering the house of this unique new friend.

"Sit down. No germs will attack you." Katie said sarcastically to Kinsey's grunt.

Finally, Kinsey sat down next to Katie, letting both of his legs folded. This was the first time he has sat in this position. It felt strange but amusing.

Not long after, Katie's mother returned with the medicine. She painstakingly smeared the drug on Katie's wound. Now and then, a groan escaped from Katie's mouth. But Katie felt comforted and felt no pain when she felt a gentle pat on her back.

Katie glanced at Kinsey, wondering why this boy patted her back. Strangely, she did not feel any pain in her elbow when she saw Kinsey's gaze.

At this time, Kinsey focused more on the wound that was being smeared with medication by Katie's mother. His gaze seemed to worry. He was occasionally frowning as if he was the one who got hurt.

Is it possible Kinsey has the power to transfer pain? Because at the moment, Katie didn't feel any pain; it was Kinsey who looked in pain instead.


Katie's mother's words made Kinsey gave a relieved sigh. Katie couldn't hide her smile when she saw the sweaty Kinsey as if the boy was in pain from being hurt.

"You're so funny. I'm the one who's hurt, why are you in pain?"

"Does it not hurt now?"

"No. It doesn't hurt at all. Next time don't push me all of a sudden like that." grumbled Katie.

"Okay, next time I'll back down when you attack me. Are you happy?"

Katie gave him a broad smile, then grinned from ear to ear.

Flick! All of sudden, Katie felt her forehead sore as if something hard flicked it.

"Mom," she sulked as she rubbed her forehead.

"You... what do you mean by attacking him? Did you cause trouble?"

"..." Katie couldn't answer. She tried to avoid the look in her mother's eyes while nudging Kinsey's elbow.

Understand her intentions, Kinsey helped her.

"We were playing hide and seek with another child. The attacking part is meant to the game." Kinsey explained without batting eyes.

"Well, as long as you don't cause trouble." her mother replied, gently stroking Katie's hair.

Then Katie's mother left the two of them to prepare lunch.

"How could you lie like that?"

"You want me to tell her the truth?"


Fine! Whatever! retorded Katie as she didn't want her mom mad at her either.

The following days Kinsey often visited Katie's house to play together. Kinsey was also getting closer to Katie's friends.

Since it was summer vacation now, Kinsey begged his father to stay in Louisiana for a week, and his father allowed it.

Therefore, before Kinsey met with Chloeny again, Kinsey had arrived in Louisiana a week before.

The longer they spent time together, Kinsey began to recognize Katie's habits.

Outside the house, Katie acted tomboy and led her friends as their captain. While alone in the middle of the forest, Katie sang while dancing cheerfully like an exciting free spirit.

But when in the house, especially in front of her parents, Katie acted sweet and gentle child.

Kinsey did not know either should be amazed or surprised to see Katie had three different characters. And she was very natural playing in her role as if the three characters were indeed Katie's real personalities.

"Kinsey, take a look!" one day, Katie caught a small beetle and showed it to Kinsey, which made Kinsey jump in horror at the terrifying insect.

"Don't get close to me! Throw it away!"

"Why? It's beautiful." Katie's naughty ideas began to recur and immediately brought her hands closer to Kinsey.

Kinsey ran to avoid her while Katie continued to chase him. In the end, they played chase for a while. Katie giggled at the hysterical scream from Kinsey.

"Stop chasing me! Go away!" Kinsey hid behind a large tree.

Katie's mischief still hadn't let up and insisted on approaching Kinsey with a beetle in her hand.

Unknowingly, they ran to the rope bridge. Out of fear of beetles, Kinsey ran over the fragile bridge. He did not read any posts there that said the bridge was not worth using.

"Kinsey, don't go there!" Katie shouted in horror. Suddenly she was afraid that the wooden bridge under Kinsey's feet broke, and Kinsey would fall into the river. Not to mention the current at the moment was so hefty.

"Kinsey, come here! Come back! That is dangerous! Look, the beetle is no longer in my hands." Katie opened her hands to prove the red beetle she had taken was gone.

Seeing Katie's bare hands, Kinsey breathed a sigh of relief. He stepped back to the way Katie wanted. But the footrest has long cracked. Upon receiving Kinsey's body weight, the wood that was supposed to be his footing fell, followed by another foothold. In just seconds, Kinsey fell into the river, and the surging waves of current carried his body away.

Katie screamed in terror as she ran down the river, calling out Kinsey's name.

"Kinsey! Swim!"

Unfortunately, Kinsey was still having trouble moving his body because the water had entered his mouth and nose-first. No matter he tried to swim, Kinsey was not strong enough against the current flow to swim to the edge.

Katie's tears began to come out, and her crying became even more sorrowful as watching Kinsey's head sunk.