King of Prussia

"Umbra! Umbra! Please save Kinsey!" she shouted with great sobs as she continued to run along the riverbank.

Because she was impatient, Katie intended to jump herself to save the boy. Just when she was about to jump into the river, the Umbra stopped her.

"Wait here," Umbra said briefly before plunging into the river.

Katie sat limp as she continued to look down. She tried anxiously, looking for two heads on the surface of the water.

What if Kinsey dies? What if she can't see Kinsey again? There are so many 'what if' that fill her mind.

Katie's tears flowed harder because they did not appear after a few minutes of waiting.

"Kinsey! Umbra!" Katie kept calling out the two names in turn for minutes, yet they had not emerged from the water. "Huwaaaaa..."


Katie immediately looked back as soon as her name was called. Katie got up and approached her soaked Umbra with Kinsey, who was unconscious in his arms.

"Kinsey, is he all right?"

"He will be fine," Umbra answered.

Then the Umbra whistled, and a red macaw flew above them.

"Call the Morse here."

After giving orders, the red bird flew towards the Morse couple workplace. Umbra slowly put Kinsey to the ground. He tried to regulate his breathing to return to normal. It's not easy to fight the current of a violent river by carrying one's body.

After that he pumped Kinsey's chest to make the boy spew out the water.

"Cough! Cough!" Kinsey woke up for a second while coughing before he fell unconsious once more.

"Kinsey, wake up. I promise you I won't be naughty again. Come on, get up, Kinsey." sobbed Katie, shaking Kinsey's body to wake him up.

Meanwhile, Umbra watched the surroundings anxiously. The wind around him blew unfriendlily. Even hurricanes almost formed not far from them. Birds and other animals move restlessly. River water that had flowed swiftly was now getting worse. He could even hear sounds like a wave from the current.

This all happened because of the emotion of 'Red Queen.' If Katie were not immediately appeased, the Vangarians would realize the existence of the 'Red Queen' here. Maybe even now, they already knew it.

He must do something. Umbra aimed at the nerve point of Katie's awareness. Then Katie closed her eyelids and fell asleep. At the same time, the situation around them returned to normal gradually.

On hearing someone's steps, the Umbra jumped away and disappeared behind the trees. That's when the Morse couple arrived, whereas two little children laid unconscious side by side.

Meanwhile, in a country on the European continent, a small earthquake occurred. All pets became wild, while wild animals became rampant. All citizens in the country panicked. They had difficulty calming their pets while the quake happened.

The animals howl from the direction of the forest, and the birds flew high in fear as if something terrified was chasing them.

The earthquake was not severe, but it was enough to shake home furnishings such as chairs or other light items.

Fortunately, the earthquake only lasted for two minutes before everything returned to normal. Strangely, the animals also began to calm down.

Usually, if an earthquake occurs, the animals felt their owner's anxiousness and became restless. But this time, the whole animal turned aggressive instead of agitated. They were wandering around and crushed anything that hinders their way.

The house's entire contents fell apart not because of the earthquake, but because of their pets. Even birds caged in cages also behave strangely. Out of nowhere, the bird gained strength to damage its cage and flew around the house, crashing into anything that blocked its flight path.

Strange animal behavior was more worrying than the earthquake that occurred before. Moreover, most of the animals behaved strangely simultaneously throughout the country. Residents try to call on vets to investigate the strange behavior of the animals.

However, even the best vet could not find the answer. Only Vangarians and also the royal family of Prussia were the only ones who knew the answer to this mystery.

The only thing that can cause the animals' strange behavior was the emotional power of the 'Red Queen.' They immediately tried to trace the source of the red queen's emotions.

"Did you find it?" the King of the Prussia kingdom asked his Umbra on the balcony of his room.

"Melvin said she felt that child's aura in America."

"America? Do you still have contact with the boy?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Contact him. We can use him to look for an amber-eyed girl."

"As your command."

Then the Umbra jumped out and disappeared in the darkness of the night.

Two days later, Katie sat in the courtyard of her house, staring sadly at the trees.

Katie had never felt this bad before. Not only was she not allowed to play, but she couldn't see her friends for a while. She was not even allowed to visit Kinsey at the hospital. She heard, Kinsey had a fever since falling into the river.

Katie's feelings of guilt grew, and she was eager to see Kinsey reduce her guilt. But what could she do? Umbra forbade her to go.

Even her mother, who supposed to be working now, stayed at home instead.

Katie had no choice but to obey and sit at home.

So boring!