Great Turmoil

A servant escorted Katie to where the birthday event was celebrated. They celebrated in the back garden near the large swimming pool.

After giving a gift and saying a birthday to her friend, Katie tried to join her friends.

But the remarks made by all her friends were very painful.

"Look, the ugly duck disguised as a swan."

"Leave her be. After all, it's only two hours, after that she will return to being an ugly duck."

There was a mocking laugh from her friends. Even the birthday girl looked cynically at her. The girl only showed a fake smile when she received her gift.

If she was not accepted here in the end, why did the child invite all students without exception? Katie decided to stand in the corner to hide herself. Unfortunately, an old lady noticed her and spoke to her.

"Hello. Are you alone? Why not join your friends?" the woman greeted Katie with a friendly smile.

This lady was the mother of the birthday girl.

"It's okay, ma'am."

"Nancy, come here. Don't gather in the same group. Here, invite this friend of yours too."

Nancy frowned at her mother's scolding. However, she obeyed her and approached Katie. She held out her hand to ask her to follow her.

"Come with me."

Katie glanced at the kind woman who was now smiling softly at her. Katie felt touched by the generous woman treatment. Well, at least she wouldn't be alone now.

At first, everything went smoothly. Katie began to be accepted by Nancy and her group. Until one of her classmates approached them.

"Hey, you guys have to be careful when you're close to her. She lives in a house with lots of germs. The house is tiny and dirty. You will catch the disease later."

For some reason, Katie wanted to cry right then and there. Especially when she realized her new friends who had received her now avoid her simultaneously.

She already wore beautiful clothes. She was also not sick. Her house was also quite clean, though not as big as other houses. So why?

Why do they look at her like a virus? Why their attitude changed right away after hearing she came from a poor family?

What's wrong with living in a poor family? Was it wrong if her parents are unable to buy a magnificent house? What's the harm? Why does she have to accept this treatment?

Katie grasped her dress hard, trying to hold back tears that had barely escaped its place.

She wanted to leave this place. Hence she stepped back away from them.

She wanted to go home. A birthday party like this was not fun at all for her.

Sadly enough, Katie's eyes were filled with tears, and her eyes were a bit blurry. She did not see anyone walking towards her and then...


Katie fell into the pool. All who watched were gasped in disgust at the sight of clear water turning brown.

Oh no! The color spray on Katie's hair faded and now polluted the water.


Katie shut herself in her room. She could not forget the ridicule mocking that came out from her friends.

"Yuck, disgusting."

"Did Katie just poop?"

"So annoying! She ruined my birthday!"

"This is the result if you invite a fake princess."

"How did she get into an elite school anyway?"

"Do you think her family stole money?"

"Come to think of it, my stuff has often disappeared since she arrived, she must have stolen it."

And various other accusations attacked her. Even though she barely have expensive things, Katie never took something that didn't belong to her. She was educated to never steal or lie. Why did they accuse her carelessly?

Even when she arrived at her house after being escorted by Nancy's family driver, Katie still felt pain in her chest. She had never felt hurt like this before.

Once finished bathing, she immediately entered the room and did not want to come out again. Poor Katie, her parents were still working, so she was alone, and no one comforted her.

Katie's eyes began to glaze over. She threw her body on her bed. Covering her whole body with a blanket, and she cried as hard as she could.

Katie had no idea the weather outside changed drastically. The sun was shining brightly, now turned cloudy. Many dark clouds suddenly appeared in the sky. Slowly the wind blows even harder and even shook the branches of the trees on the road.

Slowly yet steadily, a small tornado emerged from the strong gust of wind.

Everyone who stayed at home did not dare go out, while pedestrians were running for shelter.

Everyone was amazed by this change in weather. The weather forecast said that there would be no storm that day. Usually, the forecast was always right. Then why did the storm suddenly appear?

Meanwhile, the bad mood that filled Katie's heart did not improve either. It actually worsened. For some reason, she felt something inside her heart. She felt great turmoil happened in her chest.

She hated school, she hated her friends,