Changing Weather

Katie got up and threw her pillows against the wall. One by one, she threw any objects near her while crying loudly. At the same time, lightning began to appear, and the sky was getting darker.

Katie, who didn't know anything happened outside, decided to leave the house and ran aimlessly. She wanted to find a place where no one could see her. She wanted to be alone. She didn't want to go to school anymore. Katie wanted to hide and didn't want to meet anyone.

Katie's mood was getting worse, and the weather was also increasingly in frightening speed. The wind blew even harder, even the seemingly sturdy coconut tree now curved sideways.

Katie was totally unaware of the dangerous weather, because every time she walked, Katie felt nothing. As if the wind that blew hard did not dare touch her. On the contrary, the wind seemed to guard and protect her.

Katie seemed to be running inside a sphere. The sphere was created from the wind that spins rapidly. No one could see it because the local people were unable to open their eyes due to strong winds. While residents inside the house were more focused on watching the news trying to find out about this very drastic weather change.

After nearly half an hour of walking, Katie arrived in a formless field. The field looked like it had been hit by a hurricane. The foliage was scattered everywhere, several brooms of sticks were scattered, and fences that should have fenced off the fields had collapsed. What happened?

But Katie didn't care. The important thing was that she was alone now. Katie crouched down and buried her face between her knees. Maybe because after running for long, she was not too angry.

But Katie still felt sad and cried again. She screamed loud and loud, the minute passed. That's when the rain poured down heavily. Only this time, there wasn't any wind.

Katie felt her body getting wet again from the rain, but she didn't care about it. She just wanted to vent her sadness alone.

Not long after, she felt the rain did not fall on her again, even though the rain still pouring out.


Katie looked up and saw her umbra was standing there, holding an open umbrella.

"Are you okay?"

Katie shook her head in response. Umbra squatted and wiped Katie's tears gently.

"Don't cry anymore. If you don't stop crying, the rain won't stop."

Katie snorted. "What does that have to do with me?"

"Want to try it? If this rain stops as soon as you stop crying, you have to go home. After that, I will grant what your heart wants."

What does Katie's heart want? How did he know what she wanted? Even Katie herself, she didn't know what she wanted besides being alone.

Strangely, once she saw the man face, her heart began to feel calm. She decided to stop crying, now only a small sob remained.

She never expected the rain began to subside until it stopped entirely right after she stopped crying. Just exactly as the umbra said.

How can? How is it possible?

Even the dark clouds also began to disappear, and the sun shone again with blazing heat.

Katie looked around in confusion. How strange. Is it possible to rain just because she is crying? That's impossible, right?

"Let's go home. Your parents must be looking for you." Umbra rose and stretched out a hand after folding the umbrella. "What's wrong?" umbra asked when he saw that Katie would not rise from her squat.

"I can't move my legs."

She was not lying. For some reason, her legs felt weak now as if she had just been running twenty-four hours non stop.

Umbra crouched back with his back facing Katie.

"Get on, I'll carry you."

Katie obeyed and immediately wrapped her arms around his neck. Umbra lifted her body easily and walked with ease.

"How strange. I feel so tired."

'That's because you just used your power to control the weather.' Umbra kept the real answer.

"Maybe because you cried. Therefore, don't ever cry again like that. I trained you so that you don't become whiny like a baby. You're not a child anymore."

"But I'm still a child."

"You're twelve years old now."

"Still twelve years," Katie replied, not wanting to budge.

Umbra shook his head, remembering they argued the same thing when Katie asked to let her hair grew longer five years ago.

He remembered Katie didn't want to be considered a child anymore, why now she insisted that she was still a child?