Her Fear

"All right, whatever you say," Umbra replied resignedly. He did not want Katie's mood to deteriorate again and chaos to occur in this city.

He only hoped 'they' had not had time to trace the 'Red Queen' position.

Now Katie's whereabouts should be increasingly difficult to trace. As she grew older, Katie also gained more strength. Both her emotions and even her self-consious defense.

Katie was a child who tends to want to hide when there was a problem. Because of that, the defense which didn't want to be tracked will also get stronger. The Vangarians would find it more difficult to trace Katie's whereabouts.

"So, what happened? Why are you getting angry and leaving home? Who offended you?"

"Reina, Ayla, Freya, Philia. They accused me of stealing their things. And also, I fell in the pool. My hair color faded, and the water became dirty. They accused me that I... I..."


"I pooped in there," Katie answered in a soft voice before sinking her face in the crook of Umbra's neck.

"They were very mean. They didn't help me, but instead ..." Katie sobbed again.

"Shh... just think of it as a dream. I promise that after this you won't experience it again. Calm down, okay?"

For Katie, Umbra was a father and brother. Because of that, she could act spoil and issued a complaint to the Umbra without feeling awkward. Katie was overwhelmed with relief when she pours out what was in her heart. Her heartfelt warm and peaceful hearing the comfort of the man.

Katie felt very tired and drowsy. She comfortably leaned her cheek against the umbra' shoulder and began to sleep. Hearing the sound of regular breathing from Katie, Umbra stopped. He looked sideways at Katie's head that had fallen asleep.

"Don't be sad. I won't let you feel sad for long," he said while kissing the top of Katie's crown.


"I just don't want to go to school anymore."

In the morning, there was a commotion inside the Morse family's modest home. For the first time, Katie rebelled her parents.

"Katie, dear, I know that you still feel annoyed. But hiding is not the real solution."

"What your mother said is true. I will accompany you to school today. If anyone dares to oppress my daughter, I will smash them. Whether they have money or not, they have no right to oppress your father's daughter."

"Dear, challenging them is also not a good solution." sighed Katie's mother. "In any case, you have to face it. If you feel uncomfortable until the end of this semester, we will transfer you to another school."

"Umbra won't allow it." Katie hoped she could transfer schools right now. She wanted to move to an ordinary public school. Which does not distinguish the level of wealth. That way, she doesn't need to meet the wealthy, arrogant kids.

"We will try to persuade umbra when he comes later."

Umbra has never shown his face. But when he was about to discuss something with the Morse couple, speaking directly would be more comfortable. Therefore the Umbra will come to them with a mask and hide behind a tree.

That's why Katie's mother and father only knew his voice but never saw Umbra's face.

"So, for now, let's go to school, hm?" persuaded the mother.

"I will drop you off. Come on, let's go."

Katie didn't want to go to school at all. But... school fees were quite expensive here. And his parents took part in funding her school. Despite she felt reluctant to go, but in the end, she obeyed and went to school.

Katie couldn't help thinking. Why her Umbra register her in an elite school for well-off children? Everything would be easier if she went to a regular school.

Once at the school gate, Katie assured her father she would be fine. If his father insisted on following her to the class, who knows what kind of rumor she would be hearing.

With a heavy heart, the father left only after giving the spirit and a short kiss to his daughter.

Katie watched her father's back with a sad gaze. To be honest, she was very scared to the bone. She didn't have the courage to walk alone.

'Kei! Kei! '

Katie looked up at her nickname and saw a red macaw bird flew above her.

Katie was very familiar with the bird. The bird belongs to the Umbra.

Does that mean the man was nearby?

Katie smiled, thinking about this probability.

It was truly miraculous. Just knowing her Umbra was nearby, her anxiety spontaneously disappeared.

With a new determination and courage, Katie raised her legs and walked unwaveringly towards her respective class.