The Sealing Ritual (3)

"I'm sorry, but I have to do it. I don't want to be the red queen," stated Katie honestly. "Therefore, I must seal you inside me."

"If I refuse, will you force me?"

"I won't force you. I just want to ask for your help. Please, help me so that I can live a normal life."

"You mean we're not normal right now?"

Katie sighed, not knowing what else to persuade this 'figure.' After all, why did she think she could convince it? She felt she had gone crazy from communicating with her own life energy.

'Anyway, I don't want to be locked up. I want to be free. Try and catch me if you can.'

"No. WAIT!" Katie tried to catch the light with her hand as the rope-shaped light shot away and disappeared right before her eyes. Katie did not have the chance to touch it, and now the darkness filled this world again.

"If you don't return, we will die. If I fail, we both will die!" Katie shouted, hoping her voice could be heard by the light.

'Then it's better. You just go die yourself. Once you die, I can migrate to another newborn baby.'

Katie clenched her hands at the sarcastic and cold answers from the energy of her life.

What it said was true. If Katie died, another baby would be born as 'Red King.' That means the light did not care about her life. So, why should she care about the 'figure'? She would just sealed it right away the minute it appeared.

Katie's eyes filled with tears, and she squatted back limply. She did not know what to do. She could not contact Uumbra or Charlie for guidance. She was alone in the dark while her heart froze slowly.

Out there, Umbra looked at his watch, which showed that Katie had only two hours left before her heart finally froze.

"Come on, Kei, hurry up and finish this sealing." Umbra murmured sadly as he watched the air ball that was still there around Katie without any significant changes.

Katie, who was in despair, felt increasingly pessimistic. Especially now that Katie felt cold all over her body.

Has it been twenty-four hours?

Is she late? Did she fail?

Would she die?

She knew it. She shouldn't do it if she knew she would fail.

Is she regretting things now? Katie mocked herself as tears kept flowing down her cheeks.

'What if we imagine if this works? You can dye your hair the color you want. You also don't need to wear contact lenses again because your eye color will definitely not be red. Also, you don't need to worry that nature will react according to your mood. Not to mention, you can sing to your heart's content without fearing that birds will come to you.'

Katie thought of a series of Umbra's plans.

Sing to your heart's content? She won't even be able to sing again if she dies.

Katie wiped the tears that had begun to form in her eyes. Then she stood up slowly. If she can't sing anymore, she better sing now.

Katie closed her eyes and began to sing a melody that came to mind. Because this will be her last song, she poured all her heart into this song.

At that moment, she felt something warm around her. Without stopping the singing, she opened her eyes languidly.

The arc of light she saw earlier now swerved around him as if it was dancing along with her singing. Katie grasped the line's string, which then slowly receded into one shaped like a yarn ball over her palm.

At the same time, a shimmering sparkle appeared around the ball of yarn in her palm. Is that perhaps a seal?

Suddenly her heart was filled with extraordinary sorrow, and tears just dripped without her consent.

Katie stopped her singing while touching her wet cheeks. She was sure she had no reason to be sad if she succeeded in this sealing. Then why does she feel sad and cry?

Katie looked at the ball of yarn that was now entirely covered with the sparkle of light. Now the ball in her palm was just like an ordinary ball without any light. That's when she no longer felt sad.

Katie looked at the sphere in her hand with a look of regret. Was it possible that she felt the sadness felt by her life energy? Was her life energy crying when the captor appeared to 'secure it'?

Katie raised a free hand to hold the crystal ball that was quite large. Then bring it in front of her chest as if she was hugging someone.

"I'm sorry," whispered Katie. "Just go sleep for now." her arms tightened, and the crystal orb narrowed and merged into her body.

Simultaneously, Umbra, who had been waiting anxiously, covered Katie with a thick blanket as soon as the wind around Katie's body disappeared.

Umbra quickly carried Katie and brought her into the car. After putting on a thick jacket and stacking a few more blankets over Katie's cold body, Umbra immediately drove down the mountain to the village.