New Appearance

Once in the village, Umbra carried Katie back into an inn. Luckily he had moved the bed closer to the fireplace. That way, Katie's body could warm up by the fire.

At the moment, Katie's body was laid on a particular bed under which she was given a warm-up while four thick blankets piled on top of her body. Umbra continued to provide wood for the fire in the fireplace to make the room temperature becomes very heated like it was boiling something.

Katie's mouth still turned pale, and her eyebrows turned white. Katie's body temperature yet hadn't warmed up even though she had been in a broiling room for three hours.

Umbra couldn't hold his anxiousness and contacted Charlie to ask for instructions on what he should do.

"How long was she in the mountain?"

"Nearly twenty-four hours. The sealing was completed exactly five minutes before the deadline."

"Just wait. She stayed in the mountain for too long. Leave her rest in the heated room until tomorrow morning."

In the end, Umbra could only wait without being able to do anything.


It's been three days since Katleen went to Alaska to do the sealing ritual. Until this moment, there was still no news whatsoever from their daughter or from the Umbra. This no news bothered the Morse couple to the point they couldn't eat nor sleep.

"What if Katie fails? We shouldn't allow her to do it," said Shanley, Katie's foster mother.

"You know we can't change her destiny. Katie has chosen her path, and we can only support her." console Tom, her husband.

"But we mustn't support her if it kills her."

"If we prevent her, she can't even live happily. She will be haunted by this curse and guilt when she harms the people around her. You want our daughter's life filled with regret?"


"We can only wait." insisted Tom. "You also heard that her percentage will be quite high. We cannot do anything but wait. Be patient."

Not long after, a knock came from the door of their house. The Morse couple looked at each other and immediately headed forward to open it. They expect their daughter to appear with a cheerful smile. They hoped their daughter could seal the curse of the 'Red King' emotional energy. That way, their daughter did not need to be afraid to come out with her true self. She no longer needs to disguise or be careful about socializing.

Their daughter would smile again, just like when they were still living in Louisiana. All they wanted was the happiness of their only daughter.

But their high hopes fell over when they saw that in front of their house was not Katie. It was a postman who delivered a letter addressed to Katie.

They had seen the sender of the letter. If Katie herself had received this letter, the girl would have been thrilled.

They were about to walk back to sit on a chair when they heard another knock. The two steps stopped and immediately opened the door of their home for the second time. Again their hopes crushed when they saw no one there.

Then who knocked at the door? Is somebody playing a prank to them?

Suddenly a head emerged from the side while playing both her eyebrows up and down. Her ignorant smile radiated bright, happy eyes.

"KATIE!!" The Morse couple were both exclaimed in surprise to make Katie laugh out loud after showing herself entirely with her new appearance.

Katie's hair color was dark brown, with brownish-black highlighted between them. As for her eye's color, there was no yellow or red. Now it's pure brown with black pupils in the middle.

Katie spun her body cheerfully in front of her parents with a big smile.

"How do I look?"

"You... you're still as lovely as before." Katie's parents immediately hugged her with excitement.


Finally, their daughter's dream was fulfilled. Finally, Katleen Morse is a normal teenage girl like other average adolescent girls.

Katie shared her experiences with her parents during the sealing process. Katie was still unconscious after being in a heated room all night. But her body temperature gradually increased, and she finally woke up after being unconscious for twenty hours.

Once awake, Katie felt so hungry that she could spend portions for two adult men. Her eyes turn brown, so she doesn't need to wear thick contact lenses or opaque glasses.

While her hair... her hair color was still the same red when she woke up. The difference is, this time, she could dye her hair in the salon. And sure enough, the color given does not fade when rinsed with water.

And now the appearance of a new Katleen Morse is perfect.

"Oh, yeah, there's one more. This letter just arrived before you arrived earlier." Shanley handed the letter to Katie.

Katie's eyes bulged out when she read the name of the sender.

Nervously Katie immediately opened the letter envelope and read its contents. Then...