Broken Seal

If it were the old Katie, she would have cried as hard as she could. She always shed a tear every time she got hurt. She couldn't bear any kind of pain, whether it was only a small injury or the big one. She would unquestionably cry if she felt hurt.

But not this time. Even though Katie wanted to cry, she restrained herself and bore her injury's pain.

She bit her lips to hold her tears because she knew that once she cried, she would lose, and these four barbarians would surely rape her.

Unfortunately, the four men were having fun seeing her excruciating looks. They instead enjoyed themselves to carve a wound on Katie's body with their knife.

Much blood came out, and Katie almost reached her limit. Her head was dizzy from too many cuts and blood loss. For a moment, she let her guard down to touch her dizzy head. She cried out in terror as her body pushed back and fell on the bed.

Katie did not have the strength to rise again to make someone use this opportunity to hold both hands above her head. At the same time, two other people began to lift her dress, showing her bare skin.

She felt four hands snaking her legs upward, making her unable to hold back her tears.

"Don't..." sobbed Katie as her tears flowed freely.

The four people didn't yield on her cry; instead, they laughed at her pathetic expression.

Why? Why did she have to go through this horrible incident?

Someone, please. Please save me.

Umbra, SAVE ME! Screamed Katie in her heart.

Katie was utterly unaware; her crying of help triggered the glass orb that held her life energy. Slowly yet steadily, several cracks appeared around the seal.

And when someone lowered her underwear, Katie screamed hysterically, causing the seal broke apart, and the crystal sphere to burst followed a golden yellow light to shine rather brightly.

In just seconds, four people trying to rape her had blown and crashed into the walls.

Katie got to her feet and stopped crying. She raised her panties back with a blank look. The current Katie was not Katleen as if someone else took control of her body.

Her eyes were no longer brown, but yellowish-brown which was increasingly getting red like blazing fire. Right when the color of her eyes filled with red like fresh blood, Katie straightened her body. At the same time, four people who had fallen stood up and charged Katie again with knives on their hands.

Instantly a burst of emotions that had once been buried overflowed at once. Katie clenched her fists and resumed screaming at the top of her lung. Her scream caused a sharp wave to tear the bodies of her four assailants.

At the same time, the clouds turned dark, and storms were blowing hard, creating a small hurricane that increased in frightening speed. Aiden, who enjoyed his coffee in his private room, was astonished to see this drastic change in weather. Not to mention, he could hear a deafening scream from the place where he locked Katie.

Not long after, the storm calmed down, and the dark clouds faded. Something was up to his mind, and for some reason, his hunch told him there was a problem from Katie's room.

Aiden promptly returned to the room, where he locked the girl and unlocked it. He was shocked beyond words seeing the great turmoil inside the room. His eyes widened what happened in the room as if there was a tornado happen here. All objects fall apart and scattered. This place seems to have been hit by a typhoon.

He also found four of his men lying lifeless with sharp scratches on their bodies. But what makes them lose their lives was a deep cut on their throat.

All of them died with opened eyes and frightened expression as if they watched a grim reaper came to take their soul.

What happened?

Aiden stepped further, and there he saw Katie crouching with her head down.


The girl raised her head and looked at him with a look of hatred that never had shown before. Then slowly, her eyelids closed, and Katie laid unconscious.

Aiden was sure he could see Katie's red eyes. What unusual eyes. With a suspicious look, Aiden crouched down and rubbed Katie's hair in one stroke.

He looked at his hand, who had just rubbed Katie's hair in horror. The brown color that should have adorned Katie's hair now moved in his palm like a dry, falling paint as he could see this color was not the girl's real hair.

Aiden cleaned the dry brown dye from all of Katie's hair. And now he saw the fiery color as red as blazing fire on Katie's hair.

For the first time in his life, Aiden was frozen to death.

"Red king? How is that possible?"