
Katie felt exhausted. She had never felt tired like this before. For a moment, Katie could not remember what had happened to her. Next thing she knew when she woke up, Katie was seated in a chair with her body tied and her mouth gagged with a cloth.

Katie tried to recall what had happened to her. Slowly, the image of her almost being raped by four people appeared in her mind. Not only that, she felt she gained a strange power within her.

She recognized this feeling. That power itself was no stranger to her as she had felt it before.

Katie's eyes began to glaze over, realizing that the sealed had broken. Does that mean she will die in twelve years?

'Once the sphere breaks, you return to being the red queen, and you cannot seal it back. Sealing could only happen once in a lifetime. And one more thing, you only have twelve years left before your heart finally stops beating. And your age will get shorter if you often use your power to control the weather. You won't be able to live long in this world.'

She remembered the warning of Charlie when she wanted to seal her power away.

How could this happen? How could her seal break after living a normal life for ten years?

Why did she have to go back to being the 'Red Queen'?


"I didn't expect it at all."

Katie looked up at the source of the voice. Katie looked at him with a resentful look.

That's right. All of this because of that person. If that person didn't kidnap her, if that person didn't throw her at the four jerk men, her seal wouldn't be broken.

"Tell me. How can you turn into a red queen, huh? I'm sure you're just a normal girl. How could you possibly be a red queen?"

Hearing this question made Katie somewhat surprised. As far as she knew, no American knew the identity of the red queen. Then how did Aiden find out?

"I can find out later. Now, will you smile for me?" Aiden walked and stood on a camera placed on the table. "It's time to use you to lure her out."

Katie did nothing. She only looked at Aiden with an intent to kill look at Aiden. At the same time, she wiggled her tied hands behind the chair, hoping her ties loosened.

"Looks like you don't want to do it? No problem. Besides, I can use other methods to lure Catherine out."

Hearing the name of her best friend from the man's mouth, Katie was surprised and thrashed with all her might to break away.

Aiden smiled and turned on the camera to start recording.

Katie struggled even more in tears to hear a series of threatening speeches from Aiden. She had no idea that Aiden's main target was her beloved best friend. With this threat, Cathy would no doubt agree to his demand.

Katie wanted to talk. She tried to snap at him, but she couldn't make a word as a bundle of cloth filled her mouth.

This person was not human. This person truly is a devil!

There was a blazing emotion in Katie's chest. She also began to hear the roar of lightning from outside. She didn't care anymore if her life gets shortened. She only wanted to use her strength to destroy this place and bury this devil in the ruins of his own home.

But before she could muster all her strength, she felt a needle piercing her neck. Suddenly she felt weak and numb. She could not move her body, and the darkness began to blur her vision.

"You think I'm stupid? I won't let you use your power."

That was the last words she heard before she finally lost consciousness altogether.

Katie didn't know how long she had passed out. What she knows when she regained consciousness, she couldn't move. Katie also could not open her eyes as if something holds all her nerves tightly restraining her movement. But she could feel something. She felt a hand stroking her head - the same caress as when Aiden rubbed her head.

So Aiden was rubbing her head brazenly? What's more, her head is on that man's lap?! Was the man not satisfied and also made her hate him half to death?

Katie was disgusted by the stroke, but she couldn't move at all. What kind of shots has been injected into her body?

"I know you are awake."

'Oh yeah? Good then. Get rid of your hands right now!' said Katie in her mind.

"You won't be able to move right now. I've injected a drug that can paralyze you for hours. Take it easy, will you? You will be able to move again after a few hours."

You devil!!

"Can you calm your emotions down first? I'm not afraid of the storm that is happening outside right now. Especially now that we're underground, we will be safe as long as we are here. But your friend Catherine is on her way here. I'm sure you don't want her to get in an accident, right?"


Katie silently cried in her heart. She had the urge to rip apart this evil man, and she will do it if this man dares touch Catherine!

How stupid of her to believe this man making her wonder. Is Aiden's treatment of her all this time just a play? Is their friendship just a man's trick to use her? Katie wondered in sadness without ever knowing the answer.

Well, the man's answer is not necessary. Katie was more worried about what the devil would do to Cathy later. Why does this man want Cathy?

What would the man do once Cathy arrived?