Umbra's Revenge

Umbra pointed his gun at the door when he sensed someone's presence. At the moment, the man's eyes were filled with anger to the point he wanted to kill people again.

Luckily he soon realized this person wasn't a mansion guard here. Even so, he did not lower his vigilance and kept pointing his gun at the person who had just appeared.

The person in front of him raised his hands as a sign that he meant no harm. If he didn't mean any harm, then why is he wearing a mask? Scoffed Umbra inside his head.

"Who are you?" Umbra asked coldly, not lowering his gun at all.

"We are here to save our second lady."

"Catherine West?"


"Because of your second lady, my daughter became like this. Do you think I can hold myself to not killing you?"

"If you kill me, the girl will die. She had been poisoned, and we can help her if you let me bring her."

Umbra was silent. How did this suspicious masked person know that Katie was poisoned?

Who cares? What's important now is how he could save Katie's life.

"How can I trust you? How can I know that you would not abandon her?"

"Because she is my daughter's best friend. I won't hurt anyone that my daughter loved. If I fail, you can find me and kill me."

So Catherine West is this person's daughter? Didn't this person say that Catherine is his second lady? His words made no sense at all.

He remembered the legend of two very secret people, even more elite and hidden than Lion Stealth; Alpha and Zero with their unique masks. Both have abilities similar to those of the Oostven people and are loyal to Paxton's young mistress.

If Catherine is the second lady for Alpha and Zero, doesn't that mean Catherine's real surname is Paxton?

Umbra glanced sadly at Katie. Even though he was relieved that Katie didn't have to deal with Kinsey Alvianc, why now was she in immediate contact with the second lady of Paxton?

Poor Kei. Can you get your happiness again after this? Said Umbra in his heart with a sad expression.

"Alright, I'll entrust her to you. But if you fail, I won't kill you. Your second lady will have to pay as her life."

Umbra got up and left the room, leaving the masked man with Katie. A faint sound of gunfire from Umbra could be heard as the man shot anyone who blocked his way.

Once out, he quickly returned and contacted Charlie. He knew Charlie worked as Benjamin Paxton's secretary. He also knew that Benjamin Paxton would not stay quiet once he knew Catherine had been kidnapped. That's why he's waiting for Charlie's news about the next plan.

Through his friend, Umbra knew Kinsey worked with Benjamin and all the secret Paxton organizations to plan the pursuit and arrest the culprit, Aiden Paxton.

Umbra took his sniper rifle and prepared on a building far enough away from the target building. He already knew that Aiden would appear there in a few moments. He adjusted his posture, preparing to shoot.

Not long after, he saw Aiden's car arrived and burst into the target building.

Umbra smiled crookedly as he went up to the top floor precisely as he had hoped. It's just that he did not expect Kinsey also would be there. Both of them fought fiercely to make their forehead flicker.

Kinsey did a somersault kick and turned to the stomach of Aiden. The somersault kick was a complicated technique, and only the Oostven warrior could do it.

On closer inspection, Kinsey's way of fighting was precisely what his former mentor from the Oostven tribe taught him. How did the young man know how to fight in Oostven's style? But he did not care about the answer. He just wanted Kinsey to get away soon so he could shoot his 'target' without being hindered.

Kinsey should be able to win easily; hence he couldn't understand why the lad doubted and not give a massive blow to the evil man. And when Aiden aimed his gun at Kinsey, Umbra could not wait any longer.

He pulled the trigger and launched the bullet right at Aiden's forehead. He had seen Kinsey lunging toward Aiden. With his sharp eyesight, he understood why Kinsey did not overthrow his opponent in an instant. Apparently, Kinsey was being careful to avoid Aiden drop the antidote for Katie's poison.

It seemed like Aiden threatened Kinsey to not make a careless move, or Aiden would break the bottle and spill the only antidote to save Katie.

Umbra snorted. It turns out that besides him, there are still people who are willing to risk his life to save Katie in this world.

At least he was relieved he hadn't killed Kinsey ten years ago.

Umbra stored back his riffle without regard to the three pairs of eyes watching him cautiously from the target building. He wanted to leave as soon as possible to check Katie's situation.