Heart To Heart

Katleen Morse's condition has gradually recovered. Now she knew the second lady the people were talking about was Cathy, her best friend. It's just that she still does not know what the meaning of 'second lady' that pinned on her best friend.

Katie was already able to walk, and most of her injuries were healing too. The doctor gave her a magical herb lotion, so the scar would fade away slowly. There was only one scar on her neck right below the ear that might not be able to disappear. But Katie didn't care because it could still be covered with her hair.

It's just... her striking red hair color, not to mention the strange color of her eyes, made her reluctant to leave the room to join the others.

There was no hair spray or contact lens to disguise its unique color. Even if there was, Katie did not want to ask for it and cause wonder or suspicion.

In the end, she acted like a weak and unable to stand because she was still traumatized.

Right. Katie was traumatized. Her sleep was no longer peaceful. Ugly memories when she almost got raped, always haunted her in her sleep.

Unconsciously Katie squeezed her blanket, and her eyes filled with tears again.

'Kei! Kei!' The red macaw bird rubbed the crown of her head against its beak, dispersing her reverie.

"Sorry. I let my emotions control me again." Katie made a sad smile.

Then the bird flew and perched on the window frame. A second later, a knock was heard. After Katie permitted someone in, her best friend appeared and went inside.

"Kitty?" called her friend in a doubtful tone when approaching her in bed. Is it possible that her best friend still worried about her?

"Cathy," Katie tried to be as cheerful as possible. She tried not to recall her nightmare. "What about your scar? Are you getting better?"

"You still had the time to worry about me? You should see your wound, it's way worse than mine?" without realizing it, Cathy said in a cold, sarcastic tone.

"Brrr... it's so cold. What's wrong with you? Why are you suddenly acting cold to me?"

Cathy lowered her head down, regretting her attitude.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way. I'm just worried about you."

"More precisely, you are blaming yourself, right?" her guessed somewhat turned out to be true. "Cathy," Katie grasped her best friend's hands, "Whatever happens to us is a past that we can't fix. Let's not blame ourselves. I can hardly forgive myself if you die at the hands of that crazy person. I feel guilty for trusting that person even though we've only met four months. "

"Do you know each other?"

Kitty briefly explained her relationship with Aiden. They were friends through cyberspace for two years before finally meeting face to face four months ago.

"I am really, really sorry," said Kitty once again.

Cathy shook her head quickly. "No, I'm the one who should apologize. Actually ... there's something I've hidden from you for the past six months. I have a hidden identity all this time. I'm also shocked to find out because I was just notified six months ago."

Now it was Cathy's turn to briefly tell her the truth she had found. Cathy said to her that she was one of Paxton's successors and apparently has a twin brother named Kinsey Alvianc. Once born, they were immediately taken away separately and hidden from families who wanted to sabotage all of Paxton's assets.

All this time, Cathy was under her uncle's wing. Cathy thought Daniel was her biological father but turned out he was her mother's brother. Even if Daniel was not her father and planted darkness on her childhood memories, she cared for Daniel's daughters; Anna, Lina, and Lizzy.

On the contrary, Kinsey, her twin brother, was with her biological father, Marcel Alvianc. Not only was her mother an heiress of the Paxton business empire, but Cathy's father was also the owner of the Alvianc group that had many companies around the world.

These two esteemed figures were so overwhelming for Cathy to accept that she was the sole daughter of these two.

Cathy also told Katie that a secret organization had protected her and watched her all this time. But she didn't reveal the name of the organization, and the Stealth satellite. Besides, the Stealth has been destroyed, and she did not see the point of telling her best friend about Stealth.

Hearing Cathy's honesty and openness to her made Katie understand the meaning of Aiden's statements.

'Even though you are from two completely different families, your situation is very similar.'

Both Cathy and Katie did come from two contrasting families. But their situation was indeed similar.

Just as Cathy was hidden away by her biological parents, so was Katie. Once born, she was immediately taken to run abroad.

The difference was that Cathy only discovered her identity six months ago, while Katie... she has known her identity for most of her life.

"Thank you for telling me, Cathy. Now I understand why Aiden wants to lure you out. But you don't need to explain it to me. I ... actually I ..." I had a similar case as you. But I can't tell you. Katie continued in her heart.