Wedding Day (2)

As Catherine wished for Katleen to come, the girl shrieked and panicked as she woke up late. Fortunately, she arrived at the mansion on time as Umbra drove her at lightning speed.

"I hope I'm not late."

"Didn't they say they wouldn't start before you came?"

Katie clicked in annoying, "Even so, I don't want to be late."

"Who gets up late?"

"It's not my fault," Katie didn't want to be blamed, especially since she couldn't sleep yesterday because of hearing her Umbra' story about her home country.

"You will be getting late." sighed Umbra in resistance.

Katie quickly opened the car door and was about to go down while carrying a large bag that looked very heavy.

"Do you need help with that?" Umbra pointed at the bag Katie had brought.

"No need. Not as heavy as I thought."

"You're going to take part in the 'after party' event?"

"I can't join?"

Umbra smiled. "If you want to join, just do it. This is your last day here. Forget what had happened and have fun to the fullest."

Katie smiled broadly at that. "Hm. I'll do it. Thank you."

Katie waved her hand as Umbra drove her car away from the mansion. Then she turned and surveyed the estate in front of her.

She was told that Cathy's wedding was being held in the backyard near the lake. But how does she go to the yard?

Ugh! She didn't remember how to go to the lake as this mansion was vast to the point you would get lost if not careful. Furthermore, if she had to go around this mansion to reach the lake, her body won't handle it.

Katie glanced at the black bag she was carrying. She thought that it wasn't heavy at all, but it was heavy the minute she realized the distance between the front mansion and the lake. Fortunately, all she brought was the remaining that had not been delivered by her friends.

As she was the last one to arrive, Mercy asked Katie to take the stuff for Cathy's surprise event at Mercy's home first and bring it here. Not only had she gotten up late, but she also had to stop by Mercy's house. You already have guessed, she was almost two hours late.

Katie sighed and finally decided to enter the mansion first. She walked in straight, and when she came to a dead-end, she returned and turned to the opposite path. Every time she went the wrong way, she will go back and take another route.

It's strange, why isn't anyone in this place?

Fortunately, it was still daytime, and music's sound wasn't far from her, so she didn't feel afraid of being ambushed from behind. It's just that she doesn't know how to reach the source of the sound of the music.

Her legs began to feel sore, and until now, she has not found a single person who could be asked for help.

Katie stopped at a bend and placed her large bag on the floor. That's when she saw a man in a black tuxedo leaning against a glass window. The man's position was half-turned away so that Katie could not see his face at all.

Katie sighed in relief. Finally, she could ask for help.

Katie strolled because of her bags. Then she greeted the person.

"Excuse me, can you help me?"

The person who had been staring at the view outside turned around to look at her. As if the world around Katie stopped instantly when their eyes met.

Dark brown eye color with a flat expression and high body posture enveloped Katie's sight. The man's musky scent, which was masculine and heady, assaulted her nose, causing her heart to skip a beat. Her heart was beating fast, and she almost forgot to take a breath.

What's wrong with her? What happened to her?


Katie heard the man's voice ask her. Oh, god! His voice so immersing as if she could listen to a cellist play the beautiful melody. Alas, she was still transfixed and dissolved in her own world. For a few moments, she did not respond to anything.

Katie's daydream shattered as the  man cleared his throat. Katie's face flushed red, ashamed she had just been caught adoring the person's face in front of her. She lowered her face, so she did not realize the man before her was smiling faintly, seeing her flustered.

"So what can I do for you?" asked the man.


"Didn't you ask for my help?"

Katie instantly corrected her gesture and tried to stay calm.

"Ah, right. Looks like I'm lost. I don't know the way to the wedding celebration."

"I'll escort you."

The man straightened up and walked before Katie. With quick steps, Katie tried to overtake him. Unfortunately, she still carried her heavy bags. She was almost like dragging a black sack to match the man's steps.

At first, she had resigned if the man left her. But who would have thought that the man would return and offer to bring her bag? Then the man walked again. Only this time, the man's steps were not as extensive as before. He matched Katie's small footsteps.

Realizing this, Katie's heart pounded abysmally.

What's wrong with her today?

Is she sick?