Only Kinsey Remember

Katie and the man walked in a silence state while Katie was pondering by her pounding heart. This was the first time she had fluttered like this being near to a man.

Katie was starting to feel curious about the man walking next to her. What was his name, and why was this man able to have such a great impact on her?

Katie stole glances at the man next to her.

The man had brown hair, a strong jaw, and a sharp nose. His handsomeness could steal any girl's breath away.

Katie was entranced by the man's mere presence.

Katie still occasionally stole glances at the man next to her without knowing the man was aware of her gaze.

"Aren't you Katleen Morse?" asked the man beside her, initiating the conversation. He pretended to not realize Katie's glances.

"Yes, I am."

"You are very beautiful." unexpectedly, the man gave praise, causing Katie's heart beating wildly.

Katie looked away, hiding the color on her cheeks that undoubtedly must be as red as boiling crab. There really was something wrong with her. Katie often hears praises from her fans, but no one could make her flushed like this man did.

"KINSEY! I'm looking for you everywhere. Where have... KITTY! You came!"

"Shhh!!" Katie quickly raised her index finger to her lips, hoping Steve Mango did not divulge the secret of her arrival.

"Eh? Why?" Steve asked in confusion.

"I purposely came to surprise Cathy. The surprise will be ruined if you give the announcement that I have come."

Steve laughed at that as he found her words were quite funny. The music was loud to the point of hurting his ears, so there would be impossible Cathy would notice her arrival. Not to mention, Cathy was too preoccupied with her friends in the middle of the yard, so there's no way Cathy would hear them.

"I have to meet Mercy and others. Do you know where they are?"

"Of course. They are in... Wait here, I will call them." then Steve promptly burst through the crowd leaving Katie and Kinsey.

"So, Rinrin didn't know you were coming?"

"Rinrin?" Katie was confused because she didn't know anyone named Rinrin.

"She's my twin sister, Catherine."

"Twin sister?" then she remembered Cathy's story that said she had a twin brother named Kinsey Alvianc. And Kinsey had helped her to get the antidote from Aiden. It couldn't be this man is... "Is it possible, your name is Kinsey?"

"Yes, I am," he replied with a thin smile.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I didn't realize it at all. I heard you got the antidote for me. At that time, I wanted to thank you, but you were not there. I really thank you. I have no idea how to repay this debt of gratitude." Katie explained at length with a sincere smile. "Is there a way to repay this debt of gratitude?"

Katie saw the tip of Kinsey's lips twitching, and his gaze was complicated to interpret. Why did Kinsey look at her like that?

Kinsey felt he was stupid as he was hoping Katie would remember him. He was happy when the girl mentioned his name, causing his heart to anticipate their reunion.

However, his anticipation fell apart when listening to Katie's words. He probed the girl's expression to seek any clue of the girl's recognition of him only to found nothing. It seems like... Katie doesn't remember him at all.

Of course! He could not blame her. Kinsey himself broke his promise to the girl. Kinsey decided to close his heart a long time ago. He decided to let go of his first love ever since he found out the truth behind his mom's family background.

Furthermore, Katie's memory was not as good as his, not to mention they hadn't seen each other in almost twenty years. Obviously, the girl forgot him overtime.

But still... he couldn't help but feel gloomy knowing that his first love just forgot him. Although he buried his memories with Katie, Kinsey never forgot the girl. Her name, birthday, and her favorite food are still fresh in his mind.

"No worries. You are my sister's best friend. I did it for my sister's sake." replied Kinsey in a nonchalant tone.

After saying his last statements, Kinsey saw two girls presumed of being Mercy and Daisy approaching them. After returning the black bag to Katie, Kinsey decided to leave to give privacy to the girls to surprise his sister.

Alas, Kinsey did not see the disappointed and hurt look in Katie's eyes when he turned to leave her. He didn't know the girl wanted to know him more and befriend him.

"Katie, did you bring it?" asked Mercy in an excited tone.

"All of it."

"Great! Let's go!"

Katie's lips made a thin line as once again she watched where Kinsey went before she joined her friends to make this surprise a success.

She couldn't wait to see her beloved friend's expression.