Dance Invitation

"That was the first week I moved to New York. I had no friends or anyone to accompany me. Suddenly a girl with reddish-brown hair appeared there. She was like an angel coming down to earth, and I was immediately attracted to her. I ventured to get her acquainted. Since then, we became close until now."

"Ah, I see." that's all that came out of Kinsey's lips.

There was a feeling of guilt as well as great regret in Kinsey. He felt guilty for breaking his promise and not meeting Katie at Trinity. He felt sorry for not going to Trinity school in high school.

If only he went to school there, he would meet with Katie again. He would also find his twin sister much sooner. Moreover, Rinrin's face was like a mirror image with his late mother.

Kinsey kneaded his forehead, feeling dizzy with his growing regret.

If he could find his sister eleven years ago, neither Katie nor his sister would need to experience this abduction. He will definitely protect them and prevent them from entering danger.

"You're okay?"

Katie felt confused, seeing Kinsey's face, which was suddenly gloomy and looked rather pale. Is he sick?

"I'm fine." the man answered before straightening up and leaning on the armchair comfortably.

Hearing that answer, Katie sighed in relief. At least the man is not sick. Katie did not understand how quickly the mood of this man changed. At one point, he was cold, then later, he gave a heart-throbbing smile. After that, the man became moody and cold again.

Silence filled between the two of them once again, and Katie didn't know how to break the ice. She felt like she was talking too much to make the man's mood worse. In the end, she chose to remain silent.

Unfortunately, Kinsey didn't know about the misinterpretation that Katie was thinking. Kinsey instead thought the girl was tired of telling stories, and he didn't ask her to talk anymore.

In the end, both of them were misunderstood each other, and no one spoke.

Katie began to feel tired on her feet as she had been standing there almost an hour using her heels. Katie wanted to sit, but she was still felt uncomfortable sitting close to a strange man. She wished to take off her shoes but was afraid Kinsey would look down at her. The only way is to say goodbye and return to her room. But, she still wants to be close to this man longer.

Katie sighed at the dilemma she was experiencing. There is something wrong with her when it comes to this man.

In the end, she just stood there leaning against the pillar with one leg resting while holding her wineglass. Occasionally Katie would glance at the man who was sitting elegantly like a nobleman.

Katie often met handsome men since she entered the entertainment world as a singer. Starting from Steve Mango, a well-known model to a singer as well as top actors who occupy the position of the most wanted bachelor of the country. In essence, no man could make her heart throbbed like this man.

Even Aiden, who was handsome and spoiled her at the beginning of their meeting, was unable to make her had a strange vibration in her heart. And her respect for that man completely disappeared after that incident. Katie sighed once again, remembering the source of her nightmare.

Katie shook her head quickly to forget it. She turned her head a little, so she could adore the handsome figure more at ease. Now the man was sipping his drink casually. The sharp jawline and the eyebrows that were alluring not to mention the way he drank red wine in his glass made her unable to avert her eyes.

Even when the man finished his wine, Katie did not stop staring at him with fascinated eyes. But her heart seemed to stop when the man glanced at her. Katie immediately looked away meekly and drank her own wine nervously.

Looks like she was drunk. Her head felt dizzy, and her heart was abnormal. Right. Her heartbeat must have been caused by this damn red wine, not because of that man.

"Why are you staring at me?"

The man's low voice stunned her. Now Katie was confused by herself looking for the right answer. It was so embarrassing having caught looking at Kinsey with a fascinated look.

In the end, Katie cleared her throat to find a way to escape. She tried to change the subject of their conversation. Katie remembered that she still hadn't adequately expressed her thanks to Kinsey.

"About this afternoon, I have not conveyed my gratitude correctly. I hope I can repay your kindness for taking the risk of getting my antidote. I heard you returned with an injury. Is there anything I can do for you? I cannot get rid of the feeling of my debt to you. If there's something you want..."

"Then dance with me." interrupted the man as he rose to his feet after placing his wineglass on the table next to his chair.

Katie was frozen to where she stood, not expecting the man's movements to approach her.

Kinsey extended his left hand towards her, waiting for the girl to accept his invitation.

Can her body accept it? Even when Steve approached her only to look at Vincent's notes on the fireworks arrangement, Katie shifted her body slightly without realizing it.

Moreover, dancing with this man who will undoubtedly make their two bodies very close.

Can she do it?

Can she not feel traumatized?