Dancing Under The Star

Katie heard the music that initially in fast rhythm shifted to a slow one. The music was suitable for tender dancing along with the subtleties of the night with a star-studded sky... isn't this too romantic?

They are not lovers. They only met that day for the first time. Is it okay if she accepted the man's invitation? But what if her body rejected the touch of the man? Wouldn't it be bad for both of them?

'Forget the past and have fun.' Katie remembered her Umbra's suggestion.

Just tonight. Katie will try to hold on for tonight. She did not know what feelings arose in her heart every time associated with this person. One thing she knows, this man is special, and her heart is telling her that she wants to be with this person.

Therefore, Katie buried her nightmare, and she tried to go back to where she was Katleen before the frightening event happened to her.

Katie placed her hand nervously on Kinsey's palm, causing her heart to go wild again as he held her hand in a firm yet gentle grip. Who has ever known, she didn't feel any disgust toward the touch. On the contrary, she felt nervous and enthusiastic, and mildness filled her heart.

Like what she expected, this man could make her heart tremble - not in a bad way, but in a good way. Her heartfelt jittery and flutter every time her body in contact with the man. In fact, Katie could almost feel her own pulse in her chest.

Who is this man exactly? Why is this man able to make her flutter and no longer think about her nightmare? Her body did not even refuse or feel disgusted at the man's touch. How can? Katie couldn't find the answer at all.

Kinsey took her glass with her other hand. After putting her glass on the table, the man pressed his body towards her causing Katie to stop breathing for a moment.

"Hey, breathe. We don't want you to run out of breath." it's clear this particular man teased her.

Katie snorted and decided to avoid eye contact to calm her heart.

After that, Kinsey led her to move slowly, and Katie began to relax.

Katie heard her dance partner chuckle. She could not contain her curiosity and looked up. Her face paled when she realized both of their faces were very close.

The truth was that the man was very tall while Katie wasn't. But right now, she was wearing a pair of five inches heels, making the height of the two of them was almost parallel. And when she looked up, the man instead bowed his face lessening the gap between their faces.

Once again, Katie's heart was beating wildly, and her breathing was irregular. Katie frowned her eyebrow because she did not want the man to notice her abnormal heartbeat.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing." answered the man. "I just didn't expect such a famous singer like you to be nervous, either. Am I the one who made you nervous?"

Katie's eyes swelled wide at this shameless man's remark. What a brazen guy!

Katie chose to answer nothing as she now realized what the man was saying was true. She, Katleen Morse, was accustomed to appearing before people, encountered various people and was renowned for never being nervous or fascinated with a man. Now she feels withdrawn and charmed by this certain guy.

The men who have been willing to risk his life get the antidote for her causing her heart to feel warm.

The man who made her feel hypnotized by his dark brown eyes when they met this afternoon made her want to dive into those eyes.

The man who turned out to be a twin brother of her best friend, successfully enchanted her to the point she no longer cared about her state.

The two of them danced leisurely to the beat. Katie didn't notice earlier, but now she does. Even though the distance between them was very close, Kinsey kept a distance to make her as comfortable as possible.

The grip of the hands in her hands was not too tight, and the hands that were resting on her back felt very light and smooth. Realizing this little gesture made her heart melt and her face blushed even more.

Kinsey let go of the hand on her back so Katie could turn around and come back to him. However, when Katie turned around, her legs were no longer stable and unbalanced, making her almost fall if Kinsey didn't hold her back.

"Are you okay?"

"Looks like I can't wear these shoes anymore," answered Katie honestly and sounded innocent.

Kinsey tried to suppress his smile when he saw the very high heels. At first, he hadn't looked at her shoes and thought Katie was quite tall. It turned out, the girl's body was more petite than he thought. Whereas, as he remembered back, their bodies were almost the same, even Katie was taller than him.

"You want to take off your shoes?"

Katie looked up at him with a pitiful gaze. "Can I take it off?"

"Of course. Nobody forbade you to take it off, right? Wait." prevented Kinsey when he sees Katie about to bend over to take off her shoes.

Katie stared in disbelief at what the man was doing. Now Kinsey is crouching on one knee and untying her heels-laces.

"I can take it off myself." Katie tried to stop him, but she didn't fight back or get her leg off Kinsey's hand. Being treated like this made a red tinge appear on her delicate cheeks.