Their Kisses

Katie was supposed to drop her prank plan once she heard Kinsey's threat. But somehow, when it came to this certain man, her protective wall collapsed as if there had never been a wall before.

Why could Katie accept this man right away and not be cautious of him? Why did she even plan to prank this stranger named Kinsey?

Unfortunately, she only realized her mistake when her lips were perfectly pressed against the man.

She was kissed?! Her first kiss!

Oddly enough, Katie didn't hate it at all. She didn't even refuse or struggle. It's just that she doesn't know how to kiss, and it seems like Kinsey is doing nothing but touching her lips. Is it a kiss really like this?

Katie just remembered to take another breath when Kinsey let her go and broke the kiss. However, her heartbeat was absolutely beating in abnormal pace, making it even more difficult for her to breathe.

Katie had absolutely no idea what Kinsey's expression or thoughts were right now as she lowered her face to hide her tomato face.

Meanwhile, Kinsey felt bitter and cursed himself at his reckless action. How could he be so stupid and out of control? The girl in front of him was currently traumatized by the kidnapping incident. The whole day during the celebration, he could see Katie's wary attitude whenever a strange man tried to get acquainted with her.

Realizing his mistake, Kinsey quickly broke free from her seductive lips before he could do anything that would make her hate him. Now he was anxious that this girl would get angry and decided to avoid him.

But his worries vanished as soon as he heard the petite girl's innocent question in front of him.

"Earlier, you kissed me?" Katie glanced at Kinsey sheepishly before lowering her face again.

Kinsey did see the blush on the girl's face that was as crimson as a blazing fire. Kinsey let go of Katie's hand that he had been holding back, then raised his other hand to touch Katie's cheek.

Kinsey tries to assess each Katie's reaction. Would that girl stay away from him or...

"If we didn't kiss earlier, then what would you call that one?" His eyes caught a knife cut under Katie's right ear when the girl's hair fluttered backward due to the wind.

His forehead frowned at that. Was it Aiden's doing the cause of this scar?

Kinsey's calm feeling turned upside down as he felt as if he wants to eat someone alive. But he soon forgot his rage when she heard Katie's next remark. He doesn't even remember the scar anymore because Katie's words stunned him so much to the point he wants to pounce on her.

"Looks like it wasn't a kiss earlier." Katie carelessly answered because she remembered how Vincent kissed his wife during the opening dance. "A kiss isn't like that..." Katie widened her eyes in disbelief at what she had just said. She instantly covered her mouth with both hands.

Katie felt stupid about why she should speak her mind. Just because she's seen a lover bird's loving kiss for the first time doesn't mean she wants the same touch, especially with this man in front of her.

"You're right. It wasn't a kiss earlier." Kinsey held back his smile as he said it.

Katie lowered her hands and sighed. She was entirely unaware that Kinsey was examining all the expressions she put on. A sad look and a disappointed sigh. This made Kinsey's heart feel like he was flying above the sky.

Undoubtedly, the girl in front of him had special feelings towards him. And cunningly, Kinsey made use of the learning. Moreover, he had already tasted it. The girl's lips were luscious, and he wasn't satiated yet.

He moved his hand that was resting on Katie's cheek to under the girl's chin. Kinsey lifted the charming girl's chin so that their eyes met. Kinsey could see that the girl who had captured his heart was both nervous and confused. This actually made him happy and excited.

Kinsey slowly brought his face closer while trying to find out if Katie would avoid him this time.

There was no evasive move from Katie, encouraging him to continue. Kinsey pressed his lips against hers once again, but it's slightly different this time. At first, he kissed her gently, but his action got more intense. Kinsey sucked and smacked her lips, even cajoling the girl to open her mouth.

But Kinsey didn't force her, and his hands didn't move around Katie so the girl could run away if she wanted to.

In fact, Katie didn't refuse nor trying to escape. But the girl didn't respond to his kiss either. Kinsey even felt Katie's tremble lips tightly shut under his advances.

Kinsey ended the kiss before saying, "That was a kiss just now."

There was a sense of disappointment that the kiss was not returned, but he decided to stop it. Kinsey was about to invite the girl who had become a statue to return to the mansion when suddenly Katie's hands wrapped around his neck, holding him from moving and ... kissing his lips aggressively, imitating what Kinsey had just done.

Katie kissed him on her own!?