Hermit Crab

"Look what I found!" Katie exclaimed cheerfully.

Unbeknownst to Katie, Kinsey slowly shifted sideways to avoid her. Somehow he remembered the memory of this naughty girl who tried to trick him by bringing insects closer to him.

"Don't you feel sorry for it? You better just put it back where it belongs", said Kinsey, trying to stay relaxed.

"I didn't hurt it. Besides, the color of the shell is so pretty."

Fortunately, Katie's gaze was more focused on the shell than Kinsey's movement, who is now at the end of his car.

"Hm," Kinsey said very briefly.

Kinsey felt his cold sweat pour out as Katie took alternating glances at the creature walking on her palm.

And bingo! His bad feeling really hit once Katie revealed her naughty smile.

"You can't possibly be afraid of hermit crabs, right? Though it's cute like this..." Katie teased, stroking the shell gently as she walked over to Kinsey.

No again! Can't this girl's naughtiness habits change? Kinsey just sighed in resignation and let Katie approach him. In fact, he was no longer afraid of insects or small creatures on the beach. But if he could, he still didn't want to be near that creepy creature.

"If I were you, I wouldn't bring it here." Kinsey's tone was menacing at the same time as defiant.

Katie stopped hearing the threatening tone with a frown.

"Are you threatening me?"

Kinsey smiled crookedly as he folded his arms in front of his chest and leaned back casually like half sitting on the bonnet of her car.

"Why don't you try to find out?"

Katie raised her hand higher so she could clearly see the little hermit crab in her hand. Her eyes were still mesmerized by the color of the shell, which was red like her favorite color.

"You're not going to hurt me. You don't want Cathy to scold you and hate you, do you?" said Katie as she continued her steps towards Kinsey.

"It's true."

Katie's self-confidence grew and continued walking without fear. She wondered why she did not find the man as frightening as she thought. The man had his own charisma causing Katie felt comfort and save being alone with him.

Even though the man gave a warning, she couldn't find herself scared of the man. Instead, she had this urge to prank this man by giving the man a closer look toward the cute creature.

"You will regret it." Kinsey gave a warning tone, yet Katie did not falter and even considered it a challenge.

Katie continued to step forward and then extended her hand with the hermit crab closer to the man's face. But what Kinsey did next was completely unexpected and made her gasp.

Kinsey pulled her wrist that was carrying the hermit crab down before holding it back over his waist, causing Katie's body to pull toward the man.

Due to Kinsey's half-seated position in his car, their faces met as Katie drew closer to him. Their noses were almost touching each other, and the two pairs of eyes looked at each other with different looks.

One stared triumphantly and was like saying, 'What did I say, you will regret it.' While one stared at her company in confusion, followed by a heart beating wildly.

Katie swallowed hard as she tried to pull back, which in vain because this man was still holding her hand. Not to mention that the other hand was now perfectly pressed against the man's broad chest. This made her face heat up and turn blossom red. She didn't dare look at the dark brown eyes that were now staring at her so intensely.

This was the first time a man stared her like this man did, causing her heart to go 'ba-thump' at rapid speed. Her face felt hot as she could feel the ambiguous air around them.

"Sorry, I won't do it again. Please let go of my hand," said Katie in whispering voice while lowering her head, hiding her face.

The hermit crab in the palm of her hand is walking until it falls onto the sand and leaves them away without realizing it. She tried to pull her hands away from Kinsey's grasp, but the man wouldn't bulge and hold her on her position.

Meanwhile, Kinsey froze in place to see the blushing face of the girl in front of him. The face of the first love he missed had a dazzling expression that seized his heart. Her messy hair looked stunning because of the wind while her cherry lips seemed so alluring, causing his hunger of the girl arise, especially when he felt the girls' curved that glued on his body.

How could he resist this enchantress in front of him?

"Kinsey? I'm sorry, okay? Please let me go." begged Katie with cute puppy eyes making Kinsey's heart stopped that instant.


It was then that whatever defenses were holding him back from approaching the girl, collapsed at once. He could not hold back anymore.

In the next second, Kinsey tilted his head, leaned forward, and landed his lips on hers without warning.

Katie widened her eyes, and unconsciously held her breath.

What!? Kinsey kissed her?!