Katie's Leaving

"Are you interested in my brother?"

"Ah, that..." Hillary scratched her nape that didn't itch.

"Sorry. I don't know much about his likes. But I can help you get acquainted with him."

"Really?" Hillary's gaze shone hopefully at him.

"Of course. Speak of the devil, look who's coming. Brother!" Called Cathy waved her hand at her brother, who was walking toward them carrying three boxes of drinks, making Cathy and Hillary stunned in disbelief.

Three boxes?! Isn't it heavy? Even Vincent might not be able to carry two boxes. Maybe he could, but it will be difficult.

"Where should I put it?"

Kinsey's question broke both the ladies' reverie. Cathy promptly told her brother to put the three boxes under the long table.

"Brother, let me introduce you with my friend." said Cathy without further ado, "This is Hillary, my best friend in junior high."

"Hi," said Hillary, with the most pleasant smile to charm any man who sees her.