Meet Elder Ode

Kinsey has just racked his brains to beat his assailants. But his mind stopped working when he saw Walther standing on a tree branch with his bow. So it was Walther who shot the arrows at him?

"Elder Ode awaited Kinsey's presence. This is an order. You must not harm him."

After saying that, Walther jumped down from the tree and walked leisurely towards Kinsey to retrieve the gun that flew from Kinsey's hand.

"Seriously? You brought a gun here? Looks like living in America for twenty years has changed you so much, huh?"

"..." the man did not answer and just walked away arrogantly.

"Do you know him?"

"He's Dimitri, Egon's son."

At this, Kinsey was a little surprised. Indeed, he had never met Egon's son, who was the number one warrior in the Oostven tribe. But he did not expect Egon's son to want to kill him so badly.

"What have you done to make him hate you so much?"