Second Reunion

"Tell me, what do you remember the last time you were with Katalina."

"She was sleeping. I thought she was having a nightmare, so I stayed with her all night. After that ..."

"After that?" Ode asked patiently because Kinsey did not continue his sentence.

"I saw something. It felt like I saw a vision. I saw her being attacked by wolves, or when kidnappers assault her in America. I also saw her using her powers." Kinsey paused for a moment before continuing. "What I saw wasn't a nightmare, but a memory. Right?"

Ode nodded sadly. "That is indeed her sad memory, along with all her negative emotions. Anger, fear, disappointment, sadness, hate, and everything else is in her memory that you see. Because you have seen it, it means you are bearing the burden of her memory. She has forgotten the incident, and now all that's left is the positive emotions in her."

"Is that a good or bad sign?"