Red Haired Friend

"But little one, keep this a secret between us. Don't tell anyone we've met. You don't want your mother to be suspicious and not show Katleen Morse's photo, do you?"

"Okay! I'll shut up." Chleo replied while making a movement as if she was zipping her mouth with a key.

The stranger smiled, then rose to his feet.

"Ah, there's dirt in your hair. Don't move." said the man, then slide Chleo's hair as if taking a speck of dirt from his hair. "There. You are a lovely girl." the man compliment sincerely, ruffling Chleo's hair. "See you again, little one."

Chleo was still smiling as she waved her hand at the stranger. You're a nice person too, Chleo thought happily.


Chleo turned her head and got off her swing bench to rushed toward her mother.

"Mommy!" she exclaimed, kissing her mother's cheek as usual.

"Sorry, dear. The road is very overcrowded, so I'm late."