The Festival

Kinsey arrived at the appointment venue while waiting at the end of the crowd. He just wore a regular T-shirt and jeans. Only this time, he was wearing a black hat to cover his face.

Lately, it gets more and more difficult to move freely because Hillary keeps track of him, who relentlessly urged him to accept his uncle's offer. Not to mention, he noticed Lemar Delcrov sent spies to monitor his movements.

Fortunately, Alex managed to trick them by disguising himself as Kinsey to go to the Tettero residence. This way, both of them were far from Rheinland near the Bayern border. They couldn't get into the area of ​​Tettero mansion either as the Vangarian couldn't penetrate the high security of the Tettero.

Even so, Kinsey could not lower his guard and remain cautious.

"Kinsey, sorry I'm late." a very familiar voice greeted him.