They Are Not Twins?

Stanley examined three monitors with different images. No matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find the signal of his creation program, Tiffany. It was as if Tiffany had activated a distracting signal so that no one could track her down.

This possibility was very small because Tiffany could not possibly act without her 'master' orders. And to her knowledge, Katie did not know Tiffany's ability to disappear. After all, why would Katie want to hide without being tracked by anyone?

The worse reality was that Katie has 'disappeared' for two days without news. Even Kinsey, who seemed calm at first, was getting angry and grumpy. Stanley had to use Audrey to hack German government cameras.

But nothing. There was not a single clue about Katie's whereabouts. Even when he wanted to find out Tettero's private driver who had escorted Katie home, he also found nothing.