Stanley's Past

"Wait." prevented Walther. "What about Princess Meisya? Shouldn't we save her? After all, the king himself has asked our direct assistance to find him."

"Why find him? I heard Princess Meisya is not treated well in the palace." continued Stanley sarcastically. "She was even threatened to marry a stranger for the ambition of those who were jealous of her. Wouldn't her life be happier outside the palace?"

"..." Kinsey's eyebrow rose. It was unusual for Stanley to speak in a sarcastic tone.

Then it hit him when Stanley glared at him as if to say 'don't add my work!'

Kinsey smiled crookedly at the meaning of his cousin's gaze. "Stanley can find her fast. He's an expert at hunting people."


Walther looked at Stanley, who seemed to be still smiling pleasantly with an investigating gaze. Although Stanley looked friendly and pleasant, Walther could sense that something was dangerous about this young man.