Coming Back

Stanley hid the fact he kidnapped Meisya from his two cousins. He was too lazy to explain to them as he couldn't understand his reasoning either. He did not have the answer as to why he recklessly bring the princess out of the palace.

"Let me know if you need help. I'll give you a hand," declared Kinsey making Stanley stunned.

Kinsey was neither generous nor charitable. On the contrary. The real Kinsey was thirsty for blood and liked to torment his enemies before killing him slowly. Kinsey was only showed his warmth and attention to the people he cares about. His younger siblings, nieces, and cousins ​​whom he cares for.

Stanley did not expect that he was also one of the cousins ​​that Kinsey was concerned about. He felt warm in his heart to receive Kinsey's attention. This was the first time he has felt familial love apart from Daniel, his adoptive father.

"Hm. I'll remember it."