Can I Like You?

As soon as Meisya disappeared from their sight, Angel immediately spoke head-on.

"Stanley, not all girls are like that woman! Stop being so childish."

"You misunderstood. Nobody said that all girls are like my mother."

"I'm not talking about your mother!" hissed Angel impatiently.

Stanley put his cell phone on the table roughly. Then he glared at Angel without a smile on his face.

"Then which woman do you mean?"

"You want me to remind you? Isn't that woman's name..."

"I dare you to say the name!" hissed Stanley in a threatening tone before Angel said the 'curse' name.

"Or what? What could you do to harm me?"

"I won't contact you nor give you mission. I'll cut ties with you."

"Are you sure you want to cut ties with me? You won't find a talented person like me in this world." Angel threatened back fearlessly even though Stanley gave off a dangerous aura.