Weird Disrespectful Man

Pain, tiredness, anger, sadness, fear, confusion, despair, and all the negative feelings that exist in this world mixed in Katie's heart. She felt herself in the darkness where there was no door or way out.

A dead end. Empty. Nothing could make her excited to live again. If she gave up... if only she decided not to fight, would the pain be lessened?

Because of that, Katie decided to give up on her destiny. She closed her eyes in preparation for the death that was about to pick her up. Only one thing Katie hoped for. She hoped he could die quickly and not be tortured with excessive pain.


Katie felt something nudge her cheek. But there was no pain. Apart from the pain in her hands and feet, which still had sharp objects stuck in them, she did not feel any pain on her face.

Katie slowly opened her eyes and was utterly astonished by what was going on.