The Ruler Season

"He thought you were an unwelcome guest. He was about to attack you when you trespassed. Then he smelled something from you, so he didn't kill you with his poison."

Katie swallowed hard at his explanation. Again the man discussed the smell. What smell did the man really mean?

"What smell are you talking about? Do I smell bad?"

The young man laughed at that. His laughter didn't make Katie feel happy at all.

"You owe me an explanation. Why do you want to kill me? If you tried to kill me, why did you save me? I don't understand at all. And again, how can you know my mother? And a sister? I believe I am an only child. What sister did you speak of?"

"Of course, you didn't know you had younger siblings. As soon as you were born, you were immediately taken out of Prussia."

'You were born'? Does that mean ...?

"Are... are we twins?"

"That's right. You have a twin sister."