Katie - Meisya (1)

Stanley and Kinsey provided a room for Katie and Meisya. They knew the twins must have a lot to talk about. So after dinner, Kinsey let Katie invited Meisya to sit on a bench in the backyard.

Meisya's eyes sparkled when she saw Merah there. She felt like she was looking at Alpha, except that the sharper ears were a female wolf's trademark. She knew that instant that this red wolf was Luna, Alpha's mate.

"Merah, I don't want you to hear our conversation. Shu shu... go away." expelled Katie like she was shooing her bad dog, making the red creature's pointed ears limped down and showing her puppy eyes.

However, Katie wouldn't be fooled by those eyes and determined to chase the wolf away. She did not want Kinsey to hear every word that she told her twin sister.

"Why do you call her Merah? Her name is Luna, right?" Meisya asked.